Chapter Twenty-One: Diablo

"Diablo." The crowd murmered as Camo stalked away from the camp.

You have me. Damien almost yelled to her back, but he bit his tongue. Again.

Every single time, he bit his tongue when it came to how he felt. He didn't want to put Camo through anything like that again. She didn't do long term relationships. Not after Jason.

Damien turned from her. His eyes landed on Niyol, but he ignored him and walked off.

Lucky bastard.

Damien continued to walk, past the tents and the animals, right out of the camp.  Solitude. That's what he needed right now. Silence other than nature. No one else around. Especially Niyol.

Camo was staring at the ground as she walked, each step stirring up dust from the parched ground. Each billow was like a miniature dust storm. She nearly laughed.

That's what I am. A storm. A hurricane of fury. Diablo. Yeah, sounds about right.

She kept walking, moving further away from the camp.

As Monica used to say, get me mad and I am a she-devil.

Camo collapsed to the ground, her body shaking uncontrollable.

Quiet gasps rose from the heap of Camo's body and the ground soaked away her pain.

I lash out at those close to me.

As quickly as her crying began, it stopped.

Because you're afraid to be broken again. A voice whispered in the back of her mind.

She took a sharp intake of breath, Jason's words echoing through her mind.

She let it out slowly, forcing her emotions away. She wasn't going to be weak. Not when people were relying on her. Hell, not as long as she could help it.

I'm not weak. I'm Camo Storm. The she-devil. The strongest girl at our base. An elite. I don't have time to cry over the past.

Taking another deep breath, she stood up and continued to walk. Away from the camp. She may have barely prevented a break down, but she still needed time alone. Before she did something she seriously regretted.

Niyol deserved the shit beat out of him. No one, and I mean, No One calls me their possession.

Camo stopped and looked at the endless blue sky. Not a cloud in the sky, a bird flying in the distance. It was peaceful. Quiet. It was a break she rarely got.

How much longer will we be here for? Ive been trained to fight, to be a soldier, can I even be a normal person? Can I even have a normal life?

Camo sighed, shaking her head and running a hand through her hair.

What the hell am I even thinking?

She began to walk again, aimlessly this time. She just needed to move.

Damien leaned against a rock, starring at the sky. It was pure blue, not a cloud in the sky. A bird was flying around, a single dot in the clear sky.

So free. Not a care in the world.

Damien sighed, slowly sitting on the dry earth. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself.

He was staring at a bleach blonde girl in the middle of the fight circle. She was real small, skinny too. But the look in her eyes was like fire from hell. She shot daggars at a man easily triple her size. He had been calling out her size, she looked like a delicate flower in the sea of trained soldiers.

"What are you gonna do? Cry for daddy?" The man asked her, his arms crossed as he and the men around him laughed.

Damien didn't laugh though. He could practically feel the wrath radiating from her.

"No." The girl said. "Daddy would give you mercy."

The man rolled his eyes, but in a blur of movement, he was sent stumbling back. The girl had charged at him, landing a solid punch to his face.

He held his cheek, stunned, before his eyes hardened in anger.

"You little bitch!" The man growled, swinging his clenched fists at her.

To Damien's amazement, she smoothly dodged his every swing, flowing from dodge to counter as swiftly as a dancer would preform ballet.

Damien's voice was caught in his throat as he watched in awe.

Suddenly, one of the man's wild swings sent the girl flying to the ground. She landed with a solid thud. She appeared stunned. The man stomped over to her, and Damien would have run to her rescue if he wasn't blocked by the other men.

"Get up!" He heard himself shout, the adrenaline in his veins making him shake.

The girl did nothing, she was dazed.

The man was beside her, and swung his foot to kick her, his rage unconcealed.

In an instant, the roles were switched. The man landed on the ground with a heavy thud, and the girl kneeled above him, her foot on his left wrist, her left hand holding his right wrist, and her right hand positioned to punch.

She gave him a few good punches, an audible crack was heard as the man's nose broke. Then a booming voice interrupted the fight.


Damien looked over and swallowed hard. It was the General.

The girl ignored him and punched the man twice more, before slowly standing up. The general was before her, but she stared up at him angrily.

"What is going on here? You have one minute to explain it all, or you'll be sent to the track." The general threatened.

"Wow. The track. How scary." The girl said sarcasticly. "Your man here wanted to test my limits. Not my fault he couldn't handle it."

With that, she walked away. The general was shouting at her to come back, to not turn her back on him, but she flipped him off and continued walking, hands in her vest pockets. Not the slightest bit injured, while the man was lying bloodied on the ground.

The men were whispering around him, and he could catch some words here and there.

"Demon spawn."

"Hurricane of rage."


The last seemed to stick as it went around, more and more calling her a She-Devil.

Damien was just in awe.