Unchangeable Love


Good timing, Edward.

He arrived with the pork steak I requested. But to be honest I was pretty amazed. Edward hand the pork steak to me and Vince got me the over bed table to I can eat it. I was about to fill my mouth with a spoonful of meat when I caught of glimpse of Vince and Edward.

"Aren't you guys, eating?"

"It's fine. I am not hungry." Vince said.

"What? Not hungry?! You haven't...." Vince interrupted Edward with a hard elbow nudge.

"Vince…. Come on, Edward. I believe you also brought your cousin's dinner. Hand it over."

"Yes, mam!" Edward said with a salute and handed a packed food to Vince.

I stared at Vince telling him to eat. He got the message and opened the food pack. I looked at Edward and asked,

"How about you Edward?"

"No, thanks. I ate my dinner and is really full."

"Thank you very much, Edward."

"You're welcome, Yvory. Bro, I think I should leave you two alone. I also need to catch some sleep before the daybreak."

"Yeah. Oh, by the way, have all my work forwarded here."

"Vince, there's no need! Just go back to work like you usually do and then come back after work. I will be fine." I said.


"But, you don't want the board of directors and even the managers think that you are not serious with your job. You should go to work. I promise I will be fine."


"Bro, as much as I understand your situation, I will side with Yvory this time."

Vince took a deep sigh and said, "Fine. Just get me a suit from my place later and pick me up here."

"Okay. See you later, Yvory." Edward said and bid goodbye.

"You should rest now, Yve."

"But I just ate. How about you hand me the remote control of the television and let me watch some shows? Pretty please." I tried to convince him.

"Okay then. But just for an hour, okay?" He instructed as he hand over the remote control.

"Okay, promise, my Ki…"

I covered my mouth with my hands then I peeked at him to check if he realized. I don't think so because he looked the same.

What was I thinking? I was about to say KING!!! Am I ready to take that great step? Once I say KING again, it means that we're back in a relationship again.

Luckily, it seemed that he didn't hear me. So I just turned the TV on and scanned through the channels looking for a show that fits my taste.



As I handed over the remote control to her, she was about to say, KING… She thought I didn't notice it. Well in fact, I was happy but acted as if I didn't hear it so that she will not be pressured. I did promise her to take things slowly.

Despite wanting to know what really happened to her, I decided to let her rest. Anyways, I have the reports which may answer my questions.

But as I was curious about the company. During my internship at the most critical time, their company saved our business with some extraordinary strategies, some were similar to my game strategies. I even thought that it was Yve who plotted everything. But seeing she is working in our hotel as an employee, I wonder what's going on. I looked at Yve who's now enjoying the show she had chosen before lying on the couch. I decided to give Ed a text.

"I know you're very tired but I want you to investigate something for me."

I didn't expect a reply any moment but then my phone notified me with his reply.

"About Stones Enterprises, right? I am on it. I even asked about our business transactions with them. Just give me a day to finish gathering the data, okay?"

"You're really the best! But how did you know?"

"I am sorry. I heard your conversation earlier and waited for the right time to barge in."

I smiled at his last text. He has always been like that. Aside from my family and Yve, the most important person in my life is Edward. He is so dependable.

I was about to sleep when I saw Yve's sleeping face. She fell asleep while watching the TV. I approached her bed and turned off the Television. After, I headed to the couch to get my own dose of sleep.



The night was silent in the ABC hospital. The patients and their guardians were recovering their strength while the nurses ensure their conditions and process the reports.

Vince was calmly sleeping in the couch as he knows that Yve is finally safe and is sleeping with him in the same room. Yve on the other hand, looks asleep at a glance. But if you look closer, you can see beads of sweat on her forehead. There were quite a number of them that the pillow case became wet.

"Mie, I need your help!!!"

"I promise to stay away from Vince!"


Hearing his name, Vince woke up and looked left and right but saw no one except Yve. He approached her and saw how miserable she was. Another nightmare, he thought. He was about to wake her up, when Yve said something.


Then he saw the tears fall down from Yve's eyes but what she said next deeply touched his heart.

"I love you my king and that will never change."

Then like nothing happened, Yve's face was calm again. Only the wetness on her face and pillow case remained as evidences. But the look on Vince's face was something nobody would want to see.

He was mad to the core. As he wipe the tears and sweat from Yve's face, he said,

"Now, I have the summary of what happened in the past, whom should I thank and trust. I promise, my Queen, you will never go through the same hardship again. This time, I will protect you."