Catching Up


It seems like Nyelle misunderstood what the security guard has said. True to her words, I once considered marrying other people just to pass the requirement and get the company back. But Nyelle talked me out of it.

So I sat beside her started speaking.

"First of all, Vince and I aren't married. Do you remember "my King" I kept talking about?"

"Yes. I told you to wait for him and explain what happened to him. I can truly see in your eyes that you're still not over him." She answered.

"My King and Vince are one. My King's real name is Vincent Gray." I told her.

I can see the expression on her face. Now who wouldn't be shocked. When I told her stories, I always make sure to miss out Vince's name because I know Nyelle will really search for him.

"Wait! If your King and Mr. Gray are the same, why did both of you acted ignorant about each other's presence?" She asked.

"Well, it was all on me. I was the one who acted differently. He even asked Edward to investigate about me."

"I guess how you look when you were still a PRINCESS was way different." She said and even put a great emphasis on the princess word.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I guess I can get the picture now with the Mr. and Mrs. Gray part. But Yve, do you really want to go back to the noisy world of business? Where your step mother and sister are?!"

"You know I didn't plan to. But they killed my father and doesn't deserve that spot. When I decided to give up before, I thought they will keep their promise. But they didn't."

Now it was her turn to be shocked and asked me instead,

"How can you say that?"

"When Vincent found out the truth about my identity, he immediately tried to persuade me. But because I still wanted to keep my word, I tried to stay away from him. But what happened was someone detached my car's brake to cause an accident."

I noticed she became more worried and was checking me. I wanted her to calm down so I said,

"I'm okay now. Vince was at the hospital to take good care of me."

"Why didn't you let me know? I thought we were friends."

"I was about to tell you the following day when the doctor was about to discharge me. But…"

"But… what happened next?"

"Edward came and said that there will be an emergency meeting. The agenda was about having a new CEO. I just can't let Amira take the company without putting a fight."

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I went to the meeting and said that Vince is my fiancee."


She shouted but I wasn't sure whether it was because of excitement.



I arrived at the penthouse and went directly inside expecting to see Yve and her friend cooking in the kitchen. But I was shocked to hear someone shouted so I run immediately, only to see Yve and her friend talking.

Good thing, they didn't seem to notice me, so I decided to go to the kitchen and drink a glass of water instead of going in. Yve is in the middle of telling the truth to her best friend so I shouldn't get in between.

"But I really want to know the truth." Her friend, I think Nyelle was the name said.

"What is it?"

"Do you really love Mr. Gray?" I almost choked because of her question.

I approached closer to the living room and waited for Yve's answer. It's not like I don't trust her word but I really wanted to hear it again. It's another thing if she will admit it to her friends.

"Hmmm….. Yes, I still do." Yve answered which made me happy.

"Okay, then I will support you all the way. But promise me two things."

"Yes, mam. What are those?"

"First, you will not hide things from me ever again, and second, you will let me check Mr. Gray as I am your real guardian. I am the one who truly cares for you."

"It's fine for me but how will you check him up?"

"It's a secret. For now, let's prepare your dinner."

Then the two ladies stood from the living room. I hurriedly put the glass of water in the sink and stood by the door. I acted as if I just arrived.

"You're here already." Yve said and approached me.

"But I haven't prepared anything yet."

"It's fine. I can wait."

"Oh, by the way, meet my friend, Nyelle." I went with her to the kitchen to greet her friend formally. I offered my hand and said,

"Hello, Nyelle."

She politely responded, " Hi, Mr. Gray."

"Please don't call me Mr. Gray. Just call me Vincent. You're a close friend of Yve and I wish we can be close too."

"Okay, Mr.. I mean Vincent."

"That's good. Now, I will not disturb you further. I'll go first upstairs to change my clothes. It was really nice meeting you, Nyelle." After that I excused myself and went to the room upstairs.

As I went inside the room, I realized the bed. Hearing her say she loves me always has an impact to me. I better prepare myself or else I may not be able to stop myself from doing something that she might regret. As for me, I'm sure I will not regret. I have always wanted her to be my Queen and the mother of the future line.



"Gosh, Yve, he is really hot. I don't think I can be a good judge of his character."

To be honest, ever since I worked for the Gray Group, I have researched about him and his work. But I never had any bad news about him. He is a little aloof when it comes to the girls but now, I can tell why. I can also see it in his eyes that he really likes Yve.

"Stop thinking about that, for now, Nyelle. We need to cook our dinner." Yve said as she urge me to help her in the kitchen.

"Okay, I get it. You don't have to push me."

Then we started to prepare the food we will cook for tonight's dinner.