Mission Completed


7:00 PM At Yve's hospital room


"Secondo, I think we should call Primo to eat." Slane said.

"Let him enjoy there. He will eat when he felt like it." Edward casually said.

Vince hasn't left Yve's side ever since he arrived from Stones' board meeting. Since he had deprived himself of sleep last night, Vince felt sleepy and is now sleeping beside Yve on her hospital bed. Yve don't mind at all. She took this opportunity to check on Vince's facial features. She can't help but notice the dark circles that have formed underneath Vince's eyes.

"I'm very sorry that you have to go through the same feeling again." Yve said and using her strength, she kissed Vince on the lips.

Yve didn't know that Chrysthe and Slane saw what she did. They were both shocked and happy to see that Yve loves Vince as much as their beloved boss loves her. They got the best answer they can ever get. This was the final piece of motivation they need to fully use their abilities to figure out the mysteries in her life.

"Why are the both of you blushing and smiling?" Edward asked but none of them answered.

"You must have seen something that you shouldn't have seen, right?" Edward started to guess but just the same. None of the young men answered him. The two men decided to sit on the couch beside him.

Now, Edward decided to talk about business.

"How did your investigation go, Slane?"

"I have news about the connections but this will shock all of you. So I would rather talk with Primo on the picture." Slane answered.

"I think it would be best if all of you will have a meeting." These words by Chrysthe made Edward and Slane look at him.

"And why is that?" Edward asked.

"On the group chat, TEAM ALPHA has successfully completed each of their mission!" Chrysthe proudly said and showed his phone containing the messages from the rest of the team.

On Edward's mind, "I can say that somehow, Vince has made the right idea to ask help from these kids. But as to how he and Yve will handle the information will also be crucial."


8 PM at SkyMu's dance practice room


"Hyacinth, you should take a break! Your coach said that you did well already." Hyacinth's manager urged her to stop.

"This will be the last time, manager. I promise!" Then Hyacinth played her title track one more time and practiced it.

It has already been a 3 days since her meeting with Yve. And she is loving the positive aura that everyone possess in the building. It must be because of Yve's great leadership. As an artist and as a star of her company, she wanted to show Yve that she deserved that chance she gave her through the performance. She already finished recording the songs yesterday. Then to her delight, she received a call from the choreographer that they can start practicing. And now, she was amazed at her progress. She learned the entire choreography in one day. Even her trainer was amazed. They think that even her expressions were great but only Yve has the final say. But unknowingly, they can't schedule an appointment yet so all she can do is to make sure that everything is perfect.

Amidst all the thoughts in her brain, the song ended and her manager reprimanded her once more.

"Hyacinth, you should end this. You can continue tomorrow."

"Okay. I will." Then Hyacinth brought her towel and water bottle with her outside the training room as her manager followed her.


9PM at Edward's apartment


"Jaleb, what did Chrysthe said?" Asked Aybelle as she sat down on one of the couches watching television.

"We're on standby. Primo is asleep at the moment and should not be bothered." Jaleb answered.

"That's a good thing." Sylvan said as he eat his nachos.

"What do you mean good? His enemies are planning something bad. Some of them are even lurking around him and that lady. Shouldn't we be doing something?" Aybelle frankly asked all the boys.

"Without Primo's or Secondo's orders we can't do that." Jaleb said as he tried to calm his sister down. He urged Aybelle to sit one more time.

"Primo for sure didn't sleep last night and was stressed until the time the young lady woke up. Since the lady he cares about is finally safe, he forgot everything else and gave up to the longingness of his mind and body to rest." Sylvan explained which left the siblings speechless.

The first to recover was Aybelle. Thus she said, "Well if Sylvan says so."

"I think we should sleep now. As soon as Primo learned that we already gathered the information he ask of us, he might set us to another mission. So we need to prepare ourselves for it." Jaleb said.

"You guys go ahead. I will just finish this and follow you then." Sylvan answered.

With that, the siblings went to one of the rooms in Edward's apartment to sleep while Sylvan continues to enjoy his snacks.