An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?


In Yve's hospital room


Without any warning, he kissed Yve on the lips. His kiss was gentle and sweet but you can still feel the hunger and lust. Vince really wants to claim Yve.

After going through a lot of life and death situation did Yve finally understood why Vince was protecting her so much. This time, she promised to herself that she will consult Vince all the time and heed his suggestions.

Among the three gentlemen who are witnessing another sweet moment, one can't keep his mouth shut and decided to speak up.

"Okay! I think I have seen enough for the day. Can't we focus on the matter at hand?" Chrysthe protested.

His interruptions received different reaction. Edward gave him an elbow blow in his stomach causing him to cough a bit while Slane gave him a 'Why do you have to do that?' look. Yve and Vince, on the other hand, had realized that they still have other things to do and that there are people around them. Yve became shy again and hid her face behind Vince's back. To help his Queen regain her composure Vince gets their attention by saying,

"Okay!" Was the united response from the 3 men in the room.

"Let's start with the car accident that Ms. Yve recently had." Slane began.

Yve was shocked to discover the agenda at hand but that was only for a moment. She regained it back and focused on Slane's report.

"First of all, the culprit only decreased the amount of brake fluid in Ms. Yve's car. In that way, even if there will be an investigation, nothing unusual with the car will be reported. Second, the person who did this was a gun-for-hire. He was instructed to deal with it in an accident type of way." Slane reported.

"So, it's a dead end?" Yve asked.

Although she expected for her enemies to pay for other people to do their dirty work, she was still wishing that with Vince's influence and power, they will be able to find at least a clue.

"Not yet, Ms. Yve." Slane answered and was happy to see a change on his boss' soon-to-be-wife's face.

"We investigated this person and found out the list of his clients through the account numbers that deposited to his bank. And we found out the name."

"Who is it?" Yve asked.

"Ms. Airis Smith."

This time it was Slane's and other men's turn to be shocked. They didn't see any surprised reaction from Yve's face. It was as if she knew it all along.

Yve was able to pick up the meaning behind the stares from the men in front of her so she explained.

"I have been considering that it has to be them. Only Amira and Airis have that strong grudge in me. Grudge, strong enough to even want me dead and have the entire riches to them."

After satisfying them with her explanation, she felt a gentle hand above hers. She's familiar with this warmth and tenderness. It was none other than Vince's.

"So upon knowing this, what can we do to Airis?" Yve asked and scanned their faces. Their expressions are enough to say that there's nothing but still she was waiting.

Vince has to finally speak.

"We can't do anything about this. As this was a one-time transaction, Airis may claim that she was scammed by this killer. Even if we put the assassin behind bars, I doubt if he will talk."

"But don't worry, Ms. Yve. We will constantly watch his movements and any new transacations between him and Airis." Slane promised.

Yve cannot hide her dismay. She finally knew the truth but still Airis is free to do whatever she wants. Little did Yve noticed that Vince has been observing her reaction for quite some time.

"You can still torment her by showing good results and proving your worth and abilities in front of the Board. Once all of your hardwork have paid off, Airis will have no other option but to stay away from you." Vince comforted Yve by putting his right arm around Yve's shoulder.

"Prim... I mean Mr. Gray, can we proceed to the next information at hand?" Chrysthe asked.

"Yes, please begin the next agenda." It was Yve who answered without looking at Vince.

Chrysthe waited for Vince's response but he only got a nod from him. Chrysthe understood what it means and proceeded.

"We investigated more about Amira and Airis to find out who is her father and what really transpired in her past. Yet, what we discovered was something we never thought of. " Chrysthe began.

"What do you mean? Airis' father is dead and Amira was widowed which was why everything was smooth during their marriage." Yve was looking more worried. Why does it seem that a greater betrayal was about to be revealed.

"That's what they wanted you to think. Airis' father is Mr. Williams." Chrysthe said.

"Mr. Williams? The same Williams as my father's best friend?!"

"I'm afraid, yes, Ms. Yve."

"That can't be!!!! They have been best friends even before my father met my mother, at least that's what Dad said." She was know lost.

Seeing this expression on Yve's face, Vince can't help but feel her pain. This is precisely the reason why he didn't want Yve to hear it now.

"We can take a break, if you want to, Yve." Vince said while holding Yve's hand and massaging the other one.

"I can still go on." Yve just plainly answered but Vince knew that she was pushing herself. When Vince didn't give a reply and Chrysthe still hasn't continued, Yve understood what was Vince thinking.

"I'm still fine. I promise that I will tell you if I can't. Besides, this is the truth that I have been trying to find for a very long time." Yve did her best to pursuade not only Vince but the rest of the people in the room. Yve tightened her grip on Vince's hand making the man look at their intertwined hands. Vince then looked at the lady's face only to be mesmerized in her attempt to look cute. Nevertheless, it was really effective as his face gave out a smile.

"Vince, I think you really can't escape your Queen's trap." Edward said to which Vince just glared at him.

"Chrysthe, go on." Vince instructed and as a reward, he recieved a kiss on the cheek from his mischievous Queen.

"Ahem!" Chrysthe faked a cough before continuing his report. Yve wasn't shy anymore and just calmly look at everyone else while the smile on Vince's face has been glued for a while.

"It seemed that Mr. Williams and Amira planned this all along. Only a handful of your father's friend knew that Mr. Williams got into a fight with your father."

"So meaning, they weren't in good terms for quite a while now? But why is Mr. Williams still in the company?" Yve asked.

"It's because in an entrepreneur's point of view, he is a good investor. He still has quite an amount of investment and shares in the company." Vince explained.

"Are they still in contact with each other aside from business reasons?"

"When your father was still alive, they have been sending text messages to each other and would sometimes see each other in the office during lunch break."

"With a pretense of bringing lunch to my father! What a hypocrite!" Yve emphasized the word hypocrite with a lot of intensity and anger.

"So, Chrysthe, do you have any report on when did my father and Mr. Williams argued and what was it about?"

"Yes. They were in a love battle for your mother's hand."

"WHAT?! They have been quarelling for that long."

"Yes. Mr. Williams was especially angry when your mother and father got secretly married in America and after a few months, they had announced it in public with a news that your mother was pregnant."

"So, it was my father who betrayed him first. So is this a revenge in which you can say, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'?" Yve was in deep thought without saying anything and these observant men saw this and everything was put into hold.

"We will leave you alone first, Vince." Edward said.

"It is better if you will comfort her first and prepare her for a much bigger news waiting for her." Slane said and went out together with Edward and Chrysthe. Vince just nod in response.

Vince understood this look on Yve's face. None of his words will be able to reach her as she tries to accept all the news she just received. He hugged Yve, making her face leaned to his chest.

Yve felt warmer as she felt Vince's embrace but her heart seemed to be waiting for this. Her eyes finally dropped the tears which she has been trying to supress. She hugged Vince tightly and fully gave in to her emotions. She decided to let everything out while Vince stroke her back with his hand gently.