Busy Day

On the way to the hospital, he called the different department heads that their meeting will be pushed back an hour and it will be video conference since he had to go somewhere personal. The department heads understood and immediately prepare for a video conference. Thirty minutes after, he arrived at the hospital and saw Slayne and Eybelle waiting outside.

"Eybelle! Slayne!" Vince shouted.

"Primo!" Both of them greeted Vince as soon as they see him.

"How's Edward?"

"The doctors are still checking up on him." Slayne answered.

"What really happened yesterday?"

"Secondo went to the beach and called that traitor woman and they had a bit of confrontation. The next thing I knew was that Secondo fell on the sidewalk and didn't accept that woman's help. I drove him back to the apartment." Eybelle explained.

"But this morning, Secondo looked pale and his breathing became uneven. That's why we decided to bring him to the hospital immediately."

"You made the right call, Slayne and Eybelle." Vince praised the two agents for a job well done.

"Eybelle, I want you to continue monitoring Nyelle and inform me about her latest activity, especially if she finally led you to the mastermind."

"Yes, Sir!" Then Eybelle went out of her way.

"Primo, you should be working in the office now that Secondo isn't feeling fine, right?" Slayne asked.

"Yes, but how can I just let him be? More than my secretary and second in command, he is still my cousin, a family."

"I'll wait for the doctor here while you go on your meetings. I know that since Secondo isn't doing fine, your work must have piled up." Slayne suggested.

"Then I'll take up on your offer. I'll be in my car at the parking lot. Just call me if you need anything." Vince said.

Truth to be told, his day is filled of meetings both minor and major. The minor meetings that Edward used to handle are in his hands for now. You can say that his hands and entire self are full. So Vince head out to the parking lot and opened his laptop inside his car and conducted the meetings.

On the other hand, Yve's day is also filled with different meetings. Since this was actually her first day in the office after the incident in Vince's penthouse.

She's listening to the final curriculum that the trainers and coaches have laid out for their artists and trainees. This team were actually impressive and she found nothing more to add on except on the artist's current schedule. Sylvan noticed this and interrupted the meeting by asking for her opinion.

"Is there anything wrong, Ms. Yvory?"Sylvan asked.

"Nothing. It's just I was wondering if you can if there is a possibility that we can enhance the individual strengths of each artists while we are improving their weaknesses and while their group activities are on hiatus."

"What do mean, Ms. Yvory?"

"Let's take Tristan from N-fire. So far, I'm not satisfied with their performances and songs which is why I want to put their group activities on halt. But I'm not giving up on them. Instead, they can have individual activities for now. When we all can see that they're ready, their individual fans will be excited and join forces to attend the future activities that N-fire will have."

"So are you suggesting Tristan to pursue acting since that is his best skill as of the moment?"

"Yes. He can also try the different modeling activities. Others can participate in singing drama songs, variety shows and other stuffs just to make sure they are being remembered by the people and their fans."

"Now, we understand."

"Then we will make arrangements for that, Ms. Yvory."

"This is not only effective for N-fire but also for the other girl group we have. About the trainees' new program, it's fine with me."

"Thank you, Ms. Yvory."

"Thank you for your hard work. So apply the new curriculum for the trainees next week. On the other hand, let's have another meeting in three days regarding the groups."

"Yes, Ms. Yvory!"

"Then that's all for today! Meeting adjourned."

Like that everyone went out leaving Sylvan and Yve.

"Sylvan, what's next?"

"For now, you have an hour on your own before we head out for your lunch meeting with the fashion line."

"What is the name of the fashion line?"

"Ahm... it would be better if you will know it once were there" Sylvan cautiously answered.

"Why the secrecy?" Yve asked as it sure picked her interest.

"Ah, but never mind. I trust on your opinion. After all, your quick thinking saved the Hyacinth's launch and Vince trusts you as well."

"Thank you, Ms. Yvory." Sylvan said and bowed.

"Then I'll be in my office. I'll try to compose songs so I'll leave everything in your able hands." Yve said and left Sylvan in the meeting room.

Yve said a lie to Sylvan. The real truth is that she's not feeling so well towards the end of the meeting so she decided that she would get herself a little rest inside the office. To avoid suspicion, she hinted Sylvan that she doesn't want to be disturbed. Despite Yve's thorough plan, Sylvan noticed that Yve keeps on touching between her eyes which is a clear sign of stress and headache. As soon as Yve is out of sight, he gave Slayne a call.

"Hello? What's up Sylvan?"

"Can you give me recipe which is good for headache?"

"Headache? Wait! Is Ms. Yvory okay?"

"Well, I knew that she drank her medicines on time but maybe because of the series of meetings, stress could be causing her headache."

"What is she doing now?" Slayne asked worriedly.

"She's sleeping in the office. I called you and not Primo because I know he already has a lot on his plate and besides the Young Miss lied to me so she doesn't want me to worry about it."

"Okay, now I get the gist of it. I'll be sending you the recipe. Can you also make one serving for Primo and have it sent here?"


"We sure got our hands full with two hardworking bosses and one heartbroken guy."

"You bet!"

With that the two guys ended their phone call and continued their own responsibilities.