Final Chance

While Vince and Yve meet Maddie, Team Alpha is busy planning their entrapment operation. Nyelle finally sent a message to the mastermind. The message was retrieved by Eybelle and it says,

'I would like to meet you for the last time. I failed my mission and therefore I need to go hiding.'

This message alerted the entire team as this will be their one and only change to catch the mastermind. They informed Vince about this and immediately planned for their operation. They still have two days from the day the mastermind will fall into their hands.

Meanwhile, after that fateful meeting, Vince and Yve are now on their back to their home. Vince was driving the car while the tired and stressed Yve slept beside him on the passenger seat. As the intersection's traffic light signaled to stop, Vince looked at the calmness on Yve's face and began to think of the coming days.

'Now, that my mother has accepted you, I will not let anything stop us from staying together in this lifetime.'

Then another thought flashed on his mind,

'I have to tell her about Nyelle tomorrow, even if it will break her heart, she needs to know about it.'.

After a few more minutes, they arrived at their house. Seeing the tired Yve sleeping, he didn't have the strength to wake her up. So, before he moved out of the car, he unbuckled Yve's seat belt. He went to her side of the car and opened it allowing him to carry Yve in his arms. Jaleb came out of the door and was shocked to see Yve in Vince's arms.

"Is everything alright?" Jaleb asked.

"Yes. She's just tired. What about you? I though you have a meeting." Vince said.

"We finished it already and I just came to check the security of the house before you arrive."

"Oh, good. Can you open the doors for me?"

"Yes, Sir!"

With Jaleb's help, Vince was able to put Yve safely in the room. After covering her with blanket, Vince gestured Jaleb that they need to talk outside. Jaleb followed him to his study. As soon as they entered the room, Vince sat on his chair while Jaleb stood in front of him.

"So when will you catch the mastermind?"

"Two days from now."

"Can you let me meet Nyelle before the set entrapment operation? Vince calmly asked Jaleb.

"That would be a little difficult, Primo. She might know about the entrapment."

"I know. Which is why I'm going to give her one last chance to redeem herself."

"Are you thinking of asking her cooperation?"

Jaleb curiously asked but Vince didn't utter an answer. So Jaleb was forced to say,

"We can arrange it for you as soon as you give the order."

"That's good. Then inform the team about it and be on standby. I might give the order tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

As soon as Jaleb received the order, he left the room and went out of the house. While Jaleb was still contemplating about Vince's sudden request, Vince deeply thought about it. His decision wasn't because he wanted to give Nyelle a chance but it's because he knew that Yve would want to do so.

Despite the pain that Nyelle has caused her, Yve would try to look for the good left in her and would insist in giving her a chance.

"This will be the last and final chance, though." Vince said to himself as he opened his laptop and checked some files.

Meanwhile, on the Smith's Mansion, Amira recieved a call from Maddie.


"Yes, Maddie. It has been awhile. I never knew that you arrived."

"Of course. Just tell me the date, time and place. I'll be more than happy to see you."

Hearing these words from her mother, Airis was able to see a small light of hope. After the successive failed attempts, finally a formidable ally has arrived. Soon after the phone call ended and she excitedly rushed for her mother to spill the beans.

"Maddie wanted to talk to me tomorrow."

"That's good mother. Can I come?"

"Well, I wish you can but Maddie wanted to talk to me alone."

"Bummer!" Airis sulked.

"Don't worry. Since his mother has arrived, certainly she will be on our side and Vince can't go against her."

"I know. Now, Yve has now choice but to give up on Vince."


Noble Head Office


"Madam, why did you want to meet with them?"

"I will check one final thing."

"Madam, don't tell me..."

"I hope this will not reach my son and my future daughter-in-law."

"Of course."