Know the Truth (1)

Just as they arrived outside the house, Jaleb is in a lost if he's going to wake Yve up or to carry her inside. After thinking for quite awhile, Yve woke up and noticed that they have arrived at their house. Jaleb noticed that Yve might be looking for Maddie so he said,

"The Madam arrived safely at her office. I was instructed not to wake you up, so I didn't. I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Jaleb. Thanks for your hard work." Yve casually said and went out of the car.

As she opened the door, the smell of food lingered in the entire house. She likes this smell plus she's really hungry so she ran to the kitchen and saw Vince there. Her King was wearing a gray colored T-shirt paired with the same colored pants but his apron over his clothes will definitely win him the househusband award.

She silently walked towards Vince whose back is facing her.

"Hmm... Smells delicious." Yve said as she finally embraced Vince.

"Of course! Good evening." Vince greeted Yve and placed her hands under the apron to make sure her hands are safe.

"Good evening. I'll prepare the table then." Yve gladly said and started arranging their table.

"Did you have fun?" Vince asked.

"Of course! Your mom was totally great! She said that we'll watch a movie together next time." Yve explained all in one breath.

"Calm down. We can talk about it over dinner." Vince said as he put the dishes on the table.

Both of them sat and enjoyed their meal. Yve happily shared how her day went especially her bonding time with Maddie.

"Vince, your mother is really great!" Yve exclaimed.

"Yes! But she's not only my mother now, but yours as well, right?"

Yve blushed by Vince's statement. Trying to run away from his remarks, Yve changed the topic.

"Vince, what are you going to tell me?" Yve curiously asked.

This caught Vince off-guard but he was able to react instantly and said, "Let's talk about it in my study."

"Okay. Then let me clean this up in return for the delicious meal you prepared." Yve happily said.

Vince let her do the works as he head to the study room. He once again look at the folder prepared by Sylvan as well as the USB containing the video footage. After a few minutes, Yve arrived at their study room with two cups of tea. Yve placed the cups on top of Vince's desk and asked,

"It seemed very serious. What do you want to tell me?"

"Do you remember Hyacinth's album launch?"

"Of course."

"The result is there inside that folder." Vince said and Yve immediately opened it.

However, as her eyes fell on the final name of the suspect, she can't believe her eyes.

"Nyelle? It can't be! Vince..."

Yve cried as she held Vince's hands.

"Do it again! Something might have went wrong with the investigation."

Vince knew she would act like this but she needs to know that it's the truth. Vince played the video footage. As Yve watches the video of her best friend's betrayal, tears continue to fall down from her eyes.