Relaxing Drive

As soon as the lawyer left the suite, he called Yve's previous tutors. Within an hour, she sent the final names of the tutors as well as their days and initial lesson material. Yve smiled at how fast he really works.

Since she's in a bind can't do anything about the bankruptcy issue of SkyMu, she wanted to focus on her current and upcoming projects. She called Sylvan.

"Ms. Yvory?"

"Sylvan, can you send me an update on all the projects I planned? Include their progress and the changes and estimations you did."

"Yes, miss. But I'll be sending it to you after 10 minutes. Will that be fine?"


"I'm currently in a meeting with the manager of the famous boutique, Noble."

"Okay, I understand. Please also include the contract and the proposed project."

"Yes, miss."

Now, she has 10 minutes. She has nothing to do. She was thinking of heading out when she saw Jaleb outside.

"Miss, are you planning to go somewhere?" Jaleb asked when he saw Yve in front of the door holding her purse and a car key.

"Yes, I'm planning to head out."

"I'll accompany you then."

"Okay. Here's the key." Yve plainly said and hand the key to Jaleb.

Ever since those two failed attempts to her happened, she decided not to act tough. She also saw that Vince's work piled up because of her and if staying safe will help Vince, she will comply. Besides, she only has one bodyguard per shift. It's the least compared to the number of people famous CEO's would hire in the novels she read.

Little did Yve know that the strength of her bodyguard can parallel the strength of at least 10 well trained soldiers.

"Just drive around the area, Jaleb and please play this CD as well."

Yve said to Jaleb as she hand a CD to him. Jaleb couldn't comprehend what Yve wants to do but gladly obeyed.

Yve used to ask Vince to do the same every time she used to feel so confused, stressed or unstable. Being inside the car, she can let the music drift her to anywhere else. By the time the songs on the CD were played, she would feel so relaxed and ready to face the world.

It was already 5:30 and Vince was curious as to why he hasn't heard from Yve. Thinking that maybe she fell asleep, he went to his suite one floor below. He opened the door and walked around the room but saw no one. He began to worry but then he saw the notes on the desk. It was from Yve.

"Went out for a drive. I'll borrow your car and CD. ~ Yve"

Vince then knew that Yve went out for her usual drive. He was about to send a message to Jaleb to look for Yve when he saw one from Jaleb.

"Ms. Yvory is with me. Out for a drive."

Vince could only sigh in relief. Since it might take a while and the company matters are over for the day, he called Edward.



Edward then reported all the activities being conducted on the base as well as the mission of Team Alpha.

"What's with Mr. Williams? I didn't know about this." Vince said.

"Sylvan and Slayne discovered something. I will send you their report."

"Okay. And what about the mastermind?"

"She won't speak."

"Prepare her for tonight. I'll personally talk to her."


"Don't worry. That girl will give in. In return, I want Sylvan and Jaleb to guard Yve tonight."

"Got it."

Once the phone call is over, he called the kitchen to cook Yve's favorite dishes and arranged the things that Jaleb brought for them. When he was finished, he went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Back inside the car, the songs are about to come to an end so Jaleb looked at the mirror to ask Yve is she wants to repeat it again but he was welcomed by the sleeping lady. He has been driving all over the place for 3 hours now and the CD has been on repeat for two times already. Seeing that his boss has fallen asleep, he decided to go back to the hotel. He sent another message to Vince.

"Ms. Yvory is asleep. On my way back to the hotel."

Vince, who just came out from the bathroom heard his notification tone and read the message from Jaleb. He instantly changed and prepared himself to go down and personally pick her up.

Looking at the clock, it took her quite awhile to relax. Usually, once the songs were finished, she would calm down and return to their house but it seemed that wasn't the case for today.

Vince hurriedly went down as he was about to reach the hotel's entrance, he saw Jaleb opening the driver's door. Jaleb saw him and opened the backseat door and Vince saw his Queen. But something seems wrong...

"Jaleb, did she cry?"

"Not that I noticed, sir."

Vince bent down and noticed some pale white lines from her eyes, tears that were dried. He carefully put one of Yve's arms around his neck as he encircled one of his on Yve's back while his other hand is around Yve's legs carrying her in a bridal style.

When he stood up properly and adjusted Yve's position, the lady in his arms put her other hand around his neck and raised her head towards his neck. Yve recognized the smell and warmth and this is what she really needs right now.

As Vince started to walk, Yve whispered,


The man paused and looked at the lady with her eyes closed. He wasn't sure whether she was asleep or not but still he's willing to listen.

"Hmmm?" He asked in a sweet tone.

"Thank you..."

Vince smiled at her words but her next action shocked not only him but the entire staff who saw it.

Yve's lips touched Vince's before whispering, "I love you."