
"Don't worry about that. Things wouldn't have ended that way if he agreed to give the majority of Stones to Airis who's interested in the business rather than his own daughter."

Then the video ended. It felt like they were in North Pole as Vince's aura turned to cold and dark, even Edward and the rest have never seen him mad to this extent.

"So, they're the people behind all of this, huh." Vince said as he stood up.

"They should be prepared to witness the wrath! Let's go!" Vince said and walked away.


Dark Room


"Why are you doing this to me? I don't know any of you." Airis cried with all the fear and anxiety she has.

"Bad luck for you, miss. Maybe you have offended our boss."

"Boss, you mean, Edward?"

But the guards didn't answer as the door opened and silhouettes of five people can be seen.

"Who are you?!" Airis shouted at them.

Still there was no answer as the silhouettes became bigger. Soon, Airis was able to see the man leading the group.

"VINCE?!" Airis' eyes were wide in shock.

She can't believe that the kind Vince would have this evil side of him.

"Vince, why are you doing this? Please let me go. I didn't do anything wrong to you nor the Gray Group. My Stones Enterprises even helped your company way back, remember?"

"Are you really stupid, Airis? If this was business related I would have dealt with this the same way." Vince argued back.

"What's with 'Your Stones'? It's not even yours."

"Is this because of that slut and traitor, Yve?!" Airis sarcastically said. Her face looked so disgusted when she mentioned Yve's name but this caused Vince's vibe to be very dark.

"Eybelle, begin!" Vince instructed as he sat on the chair in the farthest corner of the room.

Eybelle approached the chained Airis with a whip in her hand. She whipped Airis once and a loud cry from Airis echoed throughout the room.

"Apologize to Ms. Yvory, you witch." Eybelle said.

"Apologize in your face!" Without any delay another cry was heard throughout the base.

Vince looked so cold as he continued to throw stare daggers at Airis. Edward, Slayne and Chrysthe had never seen Vince this cold, even when they tortured evil people in the CONFERENCE's main base.

"Secondo, I've never seen Primo this angry before."

"This woman caused all of his and Yve's pain. It can't be helped." Edward explained.

"Then, we can assume that Primo finally has an Achilles Heel?" Slayne asked.

"He always has. HIs mother and Yve have always been the most important ladies in his life."

"Hmm….. "Chrysthe and Slayne said.

"But don't even forget that Team Alpha is also included." Edward added.

Amidst all the cries heard inside the dark room, Airis started to say some information and everyone was anticipating when Vince's phone rang.

Vince looked at the caller ID and walked out to answer Jaleb's call.

"Mr. Gray, you need to come back." It was Jaleb.

"What's wrong?"

"Ms. Yve woke up and was looking all over for you. I told her that there was a company emergency way back at the headquarters."


"She insisted on going to the Gray Group. When I told her it isn't possible, she started to cry and pushed me out of the room." Jaleb answered.

"Okay, thanks Jaleb. Let me handle this." Vince said and ended the phone call.

He went inside the dark room and instructed,

"Eybelle, you know what to ask this woman here. I want some information on my desk by noon and for her parents, take some pictures."

"Yes, Primo!" Eybelle answered.

Vince immediately left the room with Edward following him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back. Yve is anxious and is looking for me." Vince said.

"Okay. Let us handle it from here."

Vince stopped and turned back to Edward, "Don't push yourself too hard, okay? Share the burden with the rest of the team."

"Hmm.." Edward nodded and Vince got in his car and sped back to the hotel.

While on his way, he decided to give Yve a call and with just one ring, it was answered.

"Vince, where are you?" Yve asked and from her voice you can really hear how worried and afraid she was.

"I'm on my way back to the hotel."

"Are you okay? Is everything fine?"

"Of course. There was just a small emergency."

"I'm sorry." Yve said as Vince's car arrived at the hotel. Without ending the phone call, he walked towards the presidential elevator.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I might have disturbed you by being a worry-wart."

Vince laughed it out to calm Yve's thoughts.

"Don't feel bad about it because I like it when you think so much about me."


"Now, can you let me in the room?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm already outside. Can you open the door…"

Yve opened the door and hugged him immediately. Vince was shocked by Yve's gesture and as he hugged her back, he felt Yve's trembling body.

"What happened?" Vince asked as he gently pushed Yve's body inside the room without breaking their embrace.