The Beginning of their End


At the Smith's residence


Mr. Williams is now awake and is waiting for the news about his daughter, Airis. Aside from the police, he had his men searched around for Airis. He is even thinking that the spy, Nyelle kidnapped her to find the whereabouts of her mother. Considering this possibility, he have of his men on standby in the cemetery.

He was thinking that would be the case and it would be easy to handle until he received a phone call.

"What's the news?"

"Boss, someone came to visit the grave but it wasn't the lady in the picture."

Levi frowned and asked, "Who are they?"

"It's Mr. Gray and Ms. Yvory Smith. What should we do?"

"WHAT?! How is that possible?"

"Sir, should we…"

"NO!!! Observe them for now. Don't even think of attacking them or else we will all die."

"Yes, sir!"

Worriedly, Levi called Inspector Dean about the scheduled interview of Yve and Vince but he was disappointed with what he heard.

"Ms. Yvory Smith's secretary called in to inform us that they would like to be done in the afternoon together with her husband, Mr. Gray."

"Husband? They aren't married, Inspector Dean."

"The Marriage Certificate says otherwise, Mr. Williams. The upcoming interview will be considered as a formal response with the letter we sent."

"What do you mean?"

"With this certificate, there's no reason for the couple to kidnap Ms. Airis and now we're diverting the investigation to a missing person case. For all we know, Mr. Williams, the missing lady might have run away upon discovering the truth."


Levi shouted and ended the phone call. His sudden outburst woke Amira from her sleep.

"What's wrong, Levi?"

He sighed and narrated the things to Amira once more.


"I also couldn't believe it. They have been married all along and they even fooled us with it. Now, with Vince and the entire Gray Group behind that girl, inheriting the Stones Enterprise will be like a walk in the park."

"We wouldn't let that happen. First thing is we need to find our daughter and that we can take it from there."


"Don't forget, SkyMu is on the brink of bankruptcy already. If she can't fix it then the board will question her capability. Those people wouldn't agree to be under the wings of Gray Group as well."

"Stay here for now. I have to go somewhere."

"Hmmm." Amira said.

Levi called his secretary and said,

"I want a copy Yve's and Vince's marriage certificate. Gather some of their pictures together and edit it with Airis' picture."

"Yes, boss."

'Now that you've decided to keep this marriage a secret, I will use it to make it possible that you betrayed my Airis. If the police will not believe me, I will make sure that the public will."


At the cemetery


Vince and Yve arrived with Chrysthe and Jaleb trailing behind them. As soon as they saw each other, Yve made an announcement.

"Chrysthe and Jaleb!" The two men stood up straight in acknowledgement of their lady boss.

"I know that both of you are part of Team Alpha….." She began earning a surprised look from them. Vince nodded in agreement that they can admit it. They only nodded in response.

"But from now on, when you're working as my bodyguards, I want you to be completely honest with me. And, I don't ever want to hear that you're willing to die for me. Got it?"

"Ms. Yve….." Both of them can't answer as it means that if that situation arises, they should leave they lady boss behind, certainly Vince would kill them.

"I want you to take care of my King and your Primo in case…."

"YVE! Stop staying that!" Vince angrily said.

Suddenly, something happened...