Give It Up!


At the hospital


"Doctor, how is my daughter?" Amira asked the doctor as soon as he went out of the room.

"Mrs. Smith, the external wounds will easily heal. But I still can't say the same thing about her mental state." The doctor frankly expressed.

"What do you mean?"

"Her wounds seemed deep and I know I'm not in the position to pry but you're probably one of the reasons for it."

"WHAT?! How dare you say that to me! You're just a doctor!!" Amira shouted and caused a scene in the hospital.

Suddenly three policemen came and said, "Ms. Amira Smith?"

Amira turned around and said, "Yes, that's me."

"Please come with us to the police station."

"Why? I did nothing wrong?!"

"Here is the warrant of arrest. You have the right not to speak until your lawyer arrives."

Amira opened the envelope and read the letter.

"This Warrant of Arrest is issued to Mrs. Amira Smith for Embezzlement of Funds as filed by Stones Enterprises. The accused has the right to remain silent and be represented in court. In case the person has no means of having a representative, then the State shall provide for her. "

Amira can't believe her eyes and was about to run away when the police caught her and said, "Please don't pull any stunt, Mrs. Smith."

"If you're innocent like what you're claiming then you can prove it in court."

She was handcuffed by the police and escorted her to the police car waiting outside. However, she didn't expect what happened next. People from media are already waiting outside and as soon as they saw her, they immediately took pictures. Crew from TV stations also tried to interview her and she was just agitated because of it. However, she can't do anything about it except to hide herself as much as possible.

Yve who's continuously watching the events on her phone, can't help but smile at the start of her victory.

"Vince, did you have anything to do with this?" Yve looked at her King.

"Well, my mother and I are part of the Board but still majority of the members agreed on this. They received reports anonymously and they conducted investigation and found the truth about it."

"Hmm….." Yve smiled at Vince's explanation and said,

"So you just gave the fuel to the fire?"

"You can say that." Vince said and they enjoyed their food together.

In the police station, Amira can't believe that everything is falling apart. Her own daughter is acting like a crazy woman while her man is still missing. To make matters worse, she's in the police station now being interrogated. As per her rights, she is waiting for her lawyer.

She is expecting to see the lawyer of the Smith Family but her dismay, it was one of the lower attorneys from the office.

"Officer, I am here to represent Mrs. Smith." The lawyer introduced himself.

"What are you doing here? Why are you the one being sent here?"

The lawyer definitely wasn't happy about the arrangement too so he said,

"If you don't want me as your lawyer, it's fine. But let me tell you that I was forced to take this losing case because you're a Smith. No other lawyers will take you case."

The lawyer walked out on her and with a sigh the police officer said,

"I guess that's it, Mrs. Amira Smith. We will be calling the Public Attorney's Office for assistance."

One of the guards even approached her and whispered,

"Or you can just give up and admit you're guilty to make things a lot easier."

Amira's tears fell both because of anger and misery.

"Just wait till Levi comes here."