Worried Man

Yve is in the car waiting for Sylvan as she needed to go back to the office. With the change of plans for tomorrow, she needs to finish some of the paper works tonight.

"Ms. Yve, why are we going back to the office?" Sylvan asked as soon as he got inside the car.

"I need to finish tomorrow morning's reports and have the afternoon activities transferred in the morning." Yve said as she gestured Jaleb to start the car to SkyMu.

"Ms. Yve, there's no need to rush. The company is stable for now because of the recent press conference. We need to be very careful with our next plans, though."

Sylvan said as he began to worry and wonder why their Lady Boss is in business mode once more.

"It's nothing as severe as what you're thinking. I'm just going on a female date tomorrow with Nyelle."

"Ms. Yve, it would be....." Both Sylvan and Jaleb expressed their thoughts but got interrupted by Yve.