Studying Yve

The good friends ended their girl bonding and went on their separate ways. Eybelle is giving Nyelle a ride to the base while Chrysthe is driving Yve to the hotel before shifting with Jaleb.

On the way, Yve decided to give Vince a call.

"Are you still working?"

"Hmm… I'm in the neighboring city."

"This late? I thought you didn't like dinner meetings?!" Yve was saddened by the thought that Vince was not at the hotel as she expected.

"I still don't but one of the potential business partners of Stones only has his dinner available before going on a trip in the US."




'There's the silent treatment once more.' Vince talked to himself as he recalled the other conversations they had.

"Are you mad?"

"No. When are you coming back?

"The latest will be tomorrow night."

"Hmm….. Don't dare to look at other girls, okay?"