Extremely Worried

"Miss Yve." Haru greeted Yve as she sat in the van.

"Haru?! And…?" Yve acted as if she didn't know Emika as they weren't formally introduced. She wanted to be professional in front of her best friend's love rival.

"This is the ring designer, Emika. Emika, I would like you to meet Ms. Yvory Smith soon to be Mrs. Gray." Haru introduced the ladies to one another.

"So you're his wife. As expected of the picky Vince." She expressed her thoughts but Yve didn't give any reaction instead she was civil and said,

"I heard that you have designed this engagement ring as well as the wedding rings. Thank you very much."

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm also honoring the promise I made to Vince years back." Emika said in a formal tone now.

Haru noticed the tension but can't do anything when Jaleb has spoken.

"Mr. Haru and Ms. Emika, we will be sending you back to the hotel."

"Thank you very much." Haru answered for the both of them.