Sudden Fear

Yve woke up way too early. She looked for her phone and saw it was still 4 in the morning. She get up from the bed and noticed she was still in her formal attire minus her coat and shoes. Then it hit her,

'I didn't took a shower last night.'

She went to the bathroom and washed her face before changing her clothes into her gym attire. She's now wearing a pair of pair of pink and black jogging pants. She covered herself with a hoodie and tied her hair in a ponytail. Lastly, she placed her phone and wore her earphones before heading out of the room.

"Ms. Y, where are you going?" Two from Chrythe's team said at the same time.

"I'm going for a jogging inside the hotel's vicinity." 

"Then we will...."

"There's no need to follow me. I know that there other men inside the hotel. You can easily hear news about me from there." Yve tried to convince them.