Three Days Left (2)

"Haru? Are you still on the line?" Vince asked him worried that his friend isn't responding.

"Yes, I'm still here. By the way, is Yve already asleep?"

"Nope. But she's in the bathroom." Vince answered him.

"Then just tell her I called. There's no need to call me back tonight. I'll call again tomorrow."

"Is it something urgent?" Vince asked to try and get some details from his best friend.

"Nope. Good night, Vince. Bye!" Haru hurriedly ended the phone call.

'Something is really odd. Even Haru is included in whatever Yve is planning. Well maybe it has something to do with my birthday's menu. I will not pry on it further.' Vince told himself and took note that he will tell Yve about Haru's call tomorrow morning.

On cue, Yve came out from the bathroom looking refreshed while wearing her pajamas.

"Is everything alright, Vince?" Yve asked.

"Yes. Don't worry. You should sleep early." Vince replied.