Take Care of the Hearts

"Nyelle?" Edward asked when he saw the lady standing stiff in disbelief with her back facing him.

"You're early as to what Slayne had predicted." Nyelle said without turning her head.

"Yes. Ever since Vince got married, his schedules end earlier than before. We only have late schedules if Yve will also have one." Edward explained.

"Ahh.. okay. Then enjoy your dinner." Nyelle said and was about to run away when Edward stopped her.

"Aren't you going to ask me how the food tastes?" He asked.

Continuously avoiding eye contact, she answered, "I think there's no need for that. The chefs already said that they taste fine."

"Hmm… so you let them eat this food before giving it to me?" Edward pouted a little.

"Of course! I need to know first if this food is tasty or not before giving it you." Nyelle's mouth was faster than her brain and before she can fully recall what she just said, it was already too late.