A Day with a Workaholic (5)

Just like that, the thirty minutes was over and one of the two managers came inside the office.

"Miss President, good evening." The manager greeted her.

"Good evening. Thank you for coming to the office this late."

"No, it should be me who should apologize. The schedules of the artist were finished late."

"Enough with the formalities. Let's proceed with the meeting." Yve said and ushered the manager to take a seat in one of the couches.

The meeting with the first manager lasted for an hour while the second one lasted 20 minutes longer than the first. As soon as the managers left, Sylvan came to her office. He saw Yve touching her nose line with her eyes closed.

"Young Madam, are you okay?"

"It's very difficult to choose the projects and offers for a group with the members. I survived two managers tonight but I'm not sure how I can survive the meeting tomorrow night.  Sylvan, what are my schedules tomorrow?"