
Vince instantly went to the kitchen to cook some of his Queen's favorite dishes. However, as he opened the refrigerator, he found no ingredients inside - only bottles of water and some fruits. He looked angry yet worried.

'What has she been eating when I'm away?'

'Don't tell me she has been neglecting her meals while I was away?'

As he pondered on these thoughts, his anger intensified more. He called on Chrysthe who was on watch over duties inside his room.

"Yes, Primo?"

"Has the Young Madam been eating well?"

"Yes. Sylvan makes sure that she eats on time by bringing the lunch boxes prepared by Slayne. Just last night, Miss Nyelle cooked for her and ate a lot of food." Chrysthe answered swiftly.

"So the reason why there's no groceries on the fridge is because she hasn't been cooking?" Vince continued to ask.

"Yes, Sir…." Chrysthe looked down as he answered his Boss.