She's definitely the President (1)

As Jenny cannot comprehend Yve's thoughts, the person in question has a very simple reason to it.

"It will save me time. I can do my work while they are observing and I can just answer their questions. It will be like killing two birds with one stone." Yve answered to her husband as Vince asked her the same question.

"Okay. I heard from Slayne that you conducted an investigation on some of your teammates?" Vince verified the information.

"I just wanted to know them more from an outsider view. At least like knowing their backgrounds and businesses; just to make sure." Yve explained.

"Who are your team members?" Vince asked as he looked over the laptop screen of Yve inside their study room.

Yve enumerated her members and her assistant who is Lester Chen.

"Hmm… good choice for an assistant. Is his connection one of the reasons why you chose SkyMu for the company to conduct the case study in?"