Completed Report (1)

In the drive, Yve was able to get a little more sleep. It takes much more time to go to the office from the base than the house. Chrysthe noticed this but because she's already pretty late, Chrysthe has no other choice but to wake her up.

"Young Madam, we have arrived." Chrysthe's words were enough to wake Yve up.

Yve checked herself using a pocket mirror before going out of the car. Chrysthe followed her after handing the car key to the valet service driver. Yve approached the receptionist and asked if her classmates have already arrived. The receptionists replied negative which caused Yve to relax a bit. She said her thanks before heading to her private elevator. Upon arriving at her floor, she called Sylvan to ask for his location.

"I'm already on my way to the office. I have collected your school and office papers." Sylvan responded.

"Thank you very much. See you at the office then."

"Yes, Young Madam."