Mother and Son's Deal

Yve is all smiles as she reads the articles on the newspapers. They really made the headlines may it be because of the simultaneous stream, social media posts of their artists and the reactions of the fans. Different newspapers have their own articles but all of them are positive which the most important thing. Yve has just finished reading the related articles on the newspapers when Vince arrives in the dining area after preparing for work.

"What's with all the smiles?" 

"We made it on the newspaper. All of the articles are good feedback."

"Great job! I'm sure the stock value of SkyMu increased because of that and it will positively affect the status of Stones Enterprises." Vince congratulates his wife.

"But for you to get better today, we need to eat." 

The couple smiles at each other and enjoys the meal Vince prepared for both of them.

As they are about to head out for work, Vince calls out to his wife.