Attack and Defense

After her meetings, Yve returns to her office and decides to check the remaining 40% that Sylvan left on her desk during her last meeting. 

"Young Madam, should I ask the kitchen to deliver your lunch here?" 

"Okay, just ask them to bring it here. I need to finish reviewing these details before going to school." Yve casually responds and Sylvan leaves her alone. 

Minutes after, one of the kitchen staff returns with her lunch. 

"Miss Yve, where should I put your lunch?"

"Please place it there on the table. Thank you." Yve replies without looking at the staff.

Sylvan, on the other hand, receives a coded message from Team Bravo. He opens it and is shocked by what it says.

"Target S has bought H&E Entertainment. According to our resources, you're now assigned at SkyMu and you'll probably have a face-off with them. I already informed Primo on this and he instructed me to give you the details I got."