Strategic Face-off

Yve and Sylvan bought quite a lot of things but mostly food and ingredients. Before leaving the market, they pick up the take out that Yve ordered earlier. Inside the taxi, Vince looks at his watch before saying.

"We were there way longer than I expected!!" 

"I didn't expect for you to miss a lot of things. I can't help but let you experience them." Yve giggles in between her reply.

"If you're that happy to show me around, let me experience more things in the future, then." Vince places his hand on top of Yve's head and caresses her hair. 

"Even if it's not as extravagant as your usual?" 

"Of course! I want to experience more." 

"Sure! I'll be happy to share my 'commoner' experience with you." Yve smiles at him when the driver informs them of their arrival at the hotel.