Hyacinth vs. H&E (2)

Steve arrives at his desk and opens his computer to access his calendar of meetings and projects. He is very detailed with his details and doesn't like unexpected surprises like the one he has just received. 

"Do you know why they made it earlier? Do our competitors have something to do with it?" 

"Based on our investigation, all bidders are worried on the sudden change. We have learned that the reason for the change was the conflict with its other major project."

"And that is?"

"They're request to have an audience with an oil conglomerate was finally granted but the date the great man agreed will be the same as the day of the original meeting."

"Something's quite off with this. Have you investigated this person they're about to meet?"

"Yes and we have confirmed they have nothing to do with our bidding competitors. We also investigated if they're somehow related to Mr. Gray but our reports showed none."