Fear has Finally Caught Up

Vince receives an unexpected text message from Yve in the middle of his afternoon meeting. However, he doesn't like the feeling he got after reading the contents.

"King, please come to Mom's clinic now?" 

Without delaying any longer, he ends the meeting and informs them that an emergency has come up. With no other choice, the managers leave the meeting room after Vince. He calls Slayne to get information on Yve.

"What's happening with Yve?" 

"Eybelle called earlier asking for a rerouting towards Miss Maddie's clinic. After surveying, she said that there was an accident which caused the traffic."

"So there was no attack or any malicious intent on her?" Vince asks as he walks fast towards the parking lot of his company.

"No, Sir. But I believe that the black, bullet proof windows are already deployed." Slayne reports. 

"I see. Keep on monitoring and be on standby for possible deployment. I don't like what I'm feeling."