Investor’s Dinner (3)

"Are you ready?" Vince asks her while looking straight in her eyes.

"I'm afraid I'll never be but I have to, right?" Yve squeezes their hands all together before releasing a deep sigh. 

The door to the private room is then opened and four people inside stand up to greet the couple.

"Good evening, Mr. Gray and it's finally nice to meet you Mrs. Gray." One of the two gentlemen in the group offers his hand for a handshake to which Vince and Yve accept.

"Your dress looks fashionably elegant, Mrs. Gray!" The lady beside the same man snakes one of her arms around her partner or so it seems.

Vince introduces each one of them to Yve and she's able to conclude that these people are indeed couples. Just after the greetings, waiters arrive with the soup on their trays. 

"It's time for dinner ladies and gentlemen. Let's take our seats." Vince encourages all of them to eat and they all start to sit down beside their partners respectively.