Are transgender people given a wrong body or a wrong mind?
...If you at your question I think you are asking the same thing. Because you can't be given the wrong mind it is a sense of who we are. Everyone has a mind and they come with their own set of issues. One group may be Gay another might be into working on cars, one group might not even be able to see colours. See the mind is a wonderful place that holds everything about who we are and who we will become. The wonderful world of Psychology is not all about fixing the Mentally ill. They are also trying to see why you are you.
The issues surrounding the statement "I have always felt like I was in the wrong body" is used because there is not other way to describe why we feel the way we feel. We know we feel different and we wish something made sense when we look at our bodies, but it does not so hence the usage of the statement.
More and more the professionals who work in the field of Gender are starting to pull away from Transgender as being a Mental Health issue and are looking at it purely as a physical based issue. This is good and bad a double edged sword so to speak. On one hand it might speed up help for those of us who need Gender affirming surgery but on the other hand it might also slow the Gate keeper model down as things will have to change to make sure the professionals are doing the right things for their clients. But if it is taken out of the Mental health arena we might see and end to the statement "You are just sick in the head" and well as "Your just need to seek some help". I once had someone tell me that I needed to see someone better as the one I was seeing was not doing a good job.
But the bad part about it being taken out of the mental hear sector is that we might start to hear "it is a choice there is nothing wrong with you". This can cause issues with youth who are still working on what is going on in their minds as well as their bodies. Thus we could see a rise in the Suicide rates of the transgender youth who are already at 40%.
So in conclusion I think you might want to do some research in the area of Gender based Psychology. Look at the connection between Gender Dysphoria (not Gender Dysmorphic) and the everyday person comparing it to the Transcommunity. This might be the best way for you to understand the full impact of your quest.