
Twilight [2]

Ju Feng remembered his mother and grandparents. The faces he knew from birth. The love they've been showing him, the beautiful things they've shared together and the near-death experience they also shared together.

How could he ever forget uncle Luyang, the powerful titan lord who had bought him his spatial sac.

The memory of his friends at the Last-Sages sect, the concern he felt with the troubled Yingjie. How seeing the faces of the two siblings Cheung and Daxia made him smile. The feeling of weirdness he recieved when observing the strange Yuan Chun Hua. Not to mention elder Cao Wang Xiu, the ever graceful light Daoist. Or, the grand elder who would say "Remember, study hard and train harder" and would look at them as if they were about to face the gods. That was awesomely funny.