
Worries Of A Demigod [3]

As she sat down at the table, taking her time to relish the aroma of the food, Zhang Xiu Ying couldn't help but be appreciative outwardly. She had really missed the cooking of her mother. The enjoyment of eating together with them. The satisfaction she always get from the beautiful moments. She had missed them all.

"Hmmmm, smells soooo good."

"I agreed with you, Xiu Ying. Ever since your mother brought home that recipe, I often smell her food in my dreams."


The two of them bust into soft laughter as Zhang Wang Jing smilingly shook her head. Oh, she had missed her daughter so much. What would be the joy of a mother more than seeing the happiness on the faces of the ones she really loved?

"Are you two going to eat or you'll just continue smelling the food?"

"We wil, mother. The aroma of a good food must be properly appreciated, inorder to prepare the body and soul for the incoming food."