
A Dreamy Mind [I]

"Still alive?"

"Thanks to you, martial sister. If not for you, I wouldn't be here today. You saved my life."

With a cupped fist extended forward, Ju Feng gave her a slight bow.

"Think nothing of it."

With a shrug of her shoulders, Su Ming waved away his comment, casually.

"You needed help and I helped. Simple as that."

Ju Feng shook his head in a strong conviction before staring at the sky. Light of Radia was never a simple matter. He could have easily entered the light and be on his way to reincarnation. The moment he entered the revenant's force-field, he knew he was in mortal danger. He had lost total consciousness and there were memory gaps he couldn't even fill. Those were the signs of the threshold of death. For him to recover and avoid walking the path of reincarnation was no simple thing at all.