
Ju Feng And Chang Chang [2]

Leaving the house of the blood oracle, they walked slowly back to the Chang's home. Ju Feng was lost in thoughts as he continued to walk. The oracle had confirmed hos impending death. She had told them his fate was intertwined with that of Chang Chang. And that he was locked in a Frozen Time array. If he didnt open his soul space, he might never survive his predicament. The oracle had told them to find the Heavenstone. That they must find the talisman that was needed back into the city of the Four Lands. But the fact that in all probability it was still inside the Shadow Keep—where Shadow Curses resided—put them at a great disadvantage.

So for the day following their unpleasant discovery, as they walked beside and sometimes rode within the caravan wagons, she puzzled over what to do. By the following morning, on arriving at their destination, they still did not have an answer. Their choices were admittedly unattractive.