
The World Of Myria [3]

It must have been market day, for a handful of merchants had set up stalls in the plaza, and there were more dwarves about than Ju Feng had yet seen, though not nearly as many as there should have been on such an occasion. A handful of families milled about, buying supplies, but there was a subdued quality to their movements. Most spoke in low voices instead of the loud, boisterous shouts and curses Ju Feng expected from a busy marketplace.

Soon, they arrived at tge palace of king Laggarma. Silence fell between them. Ju Feng noticed more guards than he'd seen yesterday clustered around the entrance to the king's hall. They parted when Ju Feng and Chang Chang approached, and one of the guards led them inside to a smaller hallway than the one that led to the king's audience chamber. At the end of the hall was a pair of doors. As they approached, the right hand door opened, and King Laggarma himself stepped through to greet them.

"You waste no time. Good."