
Bond's Of One [7]

The guards opened the portal and Ju Feng ushered Chang Chang through.

Chang Chang's mouth fell open in shocked amazement.

She'd expected to enter another cramped cabin, but instead she beheld a tunnel through the seawater. It extended eight feet above their heads, reinforced by another magical shield. Water beaded and dripped on their heads in a steady drizzle. The air reeked of salt.

"They drain the water periodically," the second guard said, "so it doesn't flood the passage."

"Don't look sturdy to me," Ju Feng said.

"It isn't." Chang Chang pointed to the stutters in the shield. The sensation of walking on water unnerved her. She kept her eyes off her feet. "Was the shield here before the bloodplague?" she asked.

"Yes," the guard said. "The enchantments held. Most people who come to the Haven come from WaterWay, walking above water. Only the lucky souls who can't afford to be seen entering the Cradle use this entrance now."