
Woozi:I'm calling my friends

The girls:*sighs*okay

~~~~~2hours later~~~~~~

Ding dong

Y/N:I'll get it oh Hi seventeen

Seventeen except woozi:hi

Wendy:*comes out with really short shorts and a bra*shit I'm sorry I forgot to grab a shirt*says in a embarrass tone*


Seventeen and BTS except Jin & woozi:*blushes*

Jin & Mariana:ya child that's why you have to have clothes in the bathroom when you shower*look at each other*ya stop copying me no you!!!!!


Seventeen:wait Mariana is alive

Y/N:yeah she's alive idiots don't you see her standing right here

Seventeen except woozi :*pouts*you don't have to be rude

Wendy:I'm back*wendy has a over size shirt on that you can't even see her shorts*

Jimin:are you wearing shorts?

Wendy:nah I'm in my underwear in front of boys* sarcastic tone*

Jimin:your a naughty girl*smirks then runs*

Wendy:I'm being sarcastic idiot!!!!runs after jimin to kill him*

Everyone else:dashi run*laughs*

Y/N:unnie's I'm hungry!!!* wines*

Mariana :*sighs*ill start making food!!!

Jin:I'll help you

Y/N:can we dance

Mariana:your making us cook while you guys dance no dancing after dinner!!!!

Blackpink:but eomma*wines*

Mariana:fine but if you don't come to eat when we call you to bad you don't eat our food!!!

Blackpink:yes eomma!!!

Mariana:take you younger sisters Wendy and take care of them!!!

Wendy:okay eomma!!katie & Graciela come on*you pick up Graciela & hold Katie's hand Graciela is 4 and Katie is 10*

(I know I forgot in the beginning y/n is 17 and Mariana is 19 kimberly is18 Miranda is18 Wendy is18 and they are triplets but Wendy is older 2 minuets than Miranda and Miranda is 3 minuets than kimberly)

We started dancing after an hour we heard gun shots

Wendy:girls I'll be back I'll get the guns and protect them and hide your selfs

Y/N:unnie plz don't go I don't want you to die plz

Wendy:I'll be fine I promise plz do what I ask I love you

Y/n:*tears up and hugs wendy*no unnie I won't let you go