Chapter 1: The Isekai Effect

"Chinese President Xi Huang Ti has declared war against the United States after the breakdown of the diplomatic relations between the two superpowers as U.S. President Daniel Truman threatened nuclear retaliation if any of America's allies in the Pacific would be attacked. On the other hand, Philippine President Jimmy Yap, Jr. has declared to support America, incensing his critics while garnering praise from his colleagues."

"Okay. That's expected." A young man commented as he clicked the buttons on the remote control.

"The CBCP has called all Filipinos to pray for the country, urging them to repent for their sins and ask God for forgiveness. Archbishop Alexander Borja nevertheless did not fail to blame the past administration for supporting the Amended Reproductive Health Bill, thus earning the wrath of God."

"Son of a bitch! If it were not your incompetence at being the bastions of morality....!" The man was cut short as a neighbor yelled at him from the other side of the apartment.

"Hey, Shut up! We are trying to pray the Rosary here!"


Suddenly, someone knocked the door of his apartment. As the guy opened the "portal of his abode" (he is an Otaku), a girl a little bit younger stood in front of him.

"Hello, Kuya (Big Brother) Ricardo"

"Hi Princess, come inside."

"I got some dinner with me. Would you mind if I stay here for the night?"


Slowly unloading herself of baggage, Princess took a plastic bag and placed it on the table as Ricardo took some rice from an aluminum cooking pot and placed it on plates which he served on the table. Princess removed the content of the plastic bag, revealing it to be roasted chicken, and placed it on a vacant plate.

"So... How's life?" Ricardo asked just before he swallowed some rice.

"Good. Some say I might become the class Magna Cum Laude," Princess answered.

"That's my imouto!"

"You could also have done that if you studied hard enough."

"Eh, why should I do more than enough of what is required? An average of 92% with no grade less than 78% isn't bad, right?

"But still..."

"Yeah, I know. Mom and Dad weren't pleased."

"You got it wrong. They still love you Kuya. They are just a bit disappointed that you did not do your best."

"I know. Anyway, the feeling's mutual after Dad joined politics."

"Is there anything wrong with serving the people?"

"Nope, but he has allowed himself to fall into a pit of vipers."

"He just wanted to change this country for the better. He believes that he can serve the country better if he can enter into Senate."

"Nah. The government is not the problem. It's our culture. We as a people are selfish and hypocritical to the extreme. If one of us succeeds, we pull that guy down to the dust just to make us feel better of our incompetence rather than emulating him. Now in politics, the situation is even worse. When a President wins an election, it is almost natural for the supporters of the losing candidates to hate him. But in the Philippines, it's even worse. Remember the last President? He hails from Zamboanga del Norte and a huge portion of its population voted for him. When a mall in Zamboanga was burned to ashes with 28 individuals killed. What did his political haters do? THEY REJOICED! They claimed that it was the work of God and is an act of divine retribution. Now for the current President. He is from Tarlac. When a devastating earthquake hit the region, it was his political enemies' turn to rejoice and claim that what happened to his own home is a form of divine retribution. That is how ugly our society is."

"Kuya, you are exaggerating. Even if people like that exist, that doesn't mean everyone is like that in our country. I believe such people are only a loud minority."

"Perhaps you are right... Although I still believe that for our society to change, we might need to get nuked once or twice."


"Just kidding."

Unexpectedly, the sun shone on the horizon.

"Hey, it's still 7:28 P.M.!"

"What's going on?"

Ricardo peeped outside the window. His Irises widened as something caught his attention.

"Dear God...."

"Kuya, what is it?"

"When on Earth did we have two Suns?"