Introduction: Quick To The Nightmare

The sun shines upon the Earth, giving life to dawn. The flowers sway in the wind of the field, a radiant golden to the sun's current white, and the grass' darkest, seemingly glowing, green. Lora loved this sight. The sight of life was refreshing to her. The stars of the night before still lingered, making the spectacle even greater. It was glorious to her, and she would relish in it every day. "Lora! Lora! Time to go!" Her dad called. Lora's father was a detective at Loose Leaf Industries, and he often took her along with him to work on weekends and Summer Vacation. This summer was no exception. But that was okay, Lora liked the night view too, so she'd come back later. She skipped to her father and then followed him to the car. Being held by her arm, as if her father expected her to jump to the moon should he let go.

The office was the same as the day before, except the lack of some guy who saw a ghost. The brown exterior along with two desks for her father and his partner never seemed to change. Neither did the fact her father's partner, Mr. Relly, really liked fish. Not to eat fish, but to have fish. The building had an aquarium wherever you went. Even on Lora's father's desk. They didn't stay for long, just long enough for her father to hear about the case. "OK Berry, what are we looking at today?" Lora's father said, not bothering to settle in his seat. Mr. Relly set some papers down. Her dad's expression changed unbelievably, a mix of fear, shock, and a bit of anger. "So we're taking this case." He said. Lora's father sighed. "You know this is going to get her attention." Mr. Relly looked over and nodded slowly. Lora's father finally sat in his chair and looked over the papers. "Loads of missing people, including children, and one restaurant chain is at the center of it all."

Mr. Relly shook his head. "You really need to look at the case Jim, it's not what you think." Lora's dad paused, and then took a look at the papers. There were pages and pages, but her father's expression became horror in seconds. "Lora, please go into the other room. I'll be out in a minute." He waved his hand towards the door into the main room for clients, so Lora went out as she was told. Strangely, she felt a bit off with her daily attire. Her blue and pink sweater seemed a lot less cute suddenly, and her brown shorts made her feel weird now.

She was really awkward with people, and while no one seemed to pay her any attention, she felt like she was being judged. "It'll be ok." A whisper echoed. A whisper that always seemed to soothe her. Lora was surprised. He never talked to her like this. Not in public like this.

"Let's talk... somewhere else..."

Lora got up, taking her bag with her and went into an employee only bathroom and locked the door. Inside, she opened her bag and took out a blue plushie. Her best friend, and basically brother, Bonnie.

Bonnie was her little secret. Her father didn't want her to have anything to do with Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. He hated the thought of the place, and its history. But her mom gave Bonnie to Lora before she... He was hers. He had always been hers. But she decided to give him to Lora and ever since, at night, when Lora had a bad day, she would hear…

"It's alright."

"You'll be OK."

"I'm here for you."

It didn't take long for Lora to piece together Bonnie wasn't just a stuffed toy. He was alive, and could even speak. Ever since this realization, they became like family to each other. Things Lora never did, she'd first do in secret with Bonnie. Things she'd eat for the first time, she'd eat with Bonnie. Things she didn't tell her father, she told Bonnie, and he'd always tell her what she should do in tough situations. She took him everywhere, and he would never leave her. Not in a creepy way, but because he wanted to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. More like a big brother, and Lora trusted him like one.

"Don't mind them, you look perfect!" Bonnie said with confidence. He always had a way to reassure Lora, no matter how hard it would prove, or how simple. "How about we ask your dad, if we can go pick up something from Saturn's Wing Hut? That'd make you happy right? You should ask." Lora thought about it, Saturn's was an incredible restaurant, with great food. She would really like some actually. She nodded and then put Bonnie back into her bag. "Great idea!" She zipped the bag up and then went back out to the waiting room.

Lora came out to find a girl in her seat. Her face was full of life and colorful, her cheeks peachy, though she hardly looked happy. Her hair was a bold blue shaded black, inky and oddly, it stood out. Her eyes were like Lora's two different colors. While Lora's eyes were purple and green separately, this girl's eyes were silver, and transitioned to bright orange at the bottom. She was wearing a black undershirt that looked like someone had painted it on her with sideways white stripes. Above that was a two strap jean dress which barely missed coming to her knees. Her pants were silky, and pure black naturally, but had many markings from crayons and colored pencils.

Finally, there was the toy. A blue old fashioned airplane with a big slab of red paint on it. With something as innocent as that, maybe this girl wasn't that bad. Lora tried to start a conversation, but the girl spoke before she could. "My name's Ashley." She turned to Lora and have a strong, 'eyes closed' smile."What's your name?" Lora was startled by this. Barely anyone was interested in talking to her first. "L-Lora. Nice to meet you!" She put her hand out to welcome Ashley for a handshake.

Neither Lora nor Ashley realized it, but the two girls were playing and talking for hours, and Lora was amazed by her new friend. The Floor Is Lava, Red Light Green Light, Truth Or Dare, games that Bonnie made up, this girl knew em all! And she was a pro too! Sure, some people complained a bit about them, saying they should grow up, but then the most wonderful thing happened.

"Why don't YOU all grow up!" Mr. Relly said from the door. "Yelling at a little girl for simply playing, don't you have more important things to do?" He probably couldn't see Ashley from behind the door, since they were playing Red Light Green Light. Still, it was currently green light, so Ashley must have messed up and assumed Lora hadn't noticed. Lora smiled. Too bad, it made things easier for Lora, as soon as Mr. Relly was done, she'd get Ashley on the spot!

"Lora! Don't mind these people!" Mr. Relly said with a more encouraging tone in his voice, but keeping a bit of a scowl on his face. "You can play, there is no law against it!" He pulled that pose he always pulled. Once a day Lora would see him grip his chin and scratch it as if Sherlock Homes himself, and now the inner detective of the… detective… had resurfaced! In fact, you can go play outside! Just come back in 40 minutes, alright? You know what time it is?" Lora nodded. It was getting close to 11:25, so if it was a win win. She got to play outside with a new friend AND would be inside just in time to catch Ms. Butters. Ms. Butters always delivered cookies after the agency saved her child's life in a kidnapping case. "I simply cannot thank your father enough!" She would say. "He's a life saver, this is the least I could do!" She'd most likely say for the 50th time. She really was grateful, and she really was a nice woman.

Seconds later, her father came out of his office.

"Hey kiddo, time to go." He said, beginning to walk out. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Ashley straight in the eyes. "Since news doesn't travel THAT fast, I'll assume that was your case." He said. Ashley stood up furious. "You can't just ignore what I saw! What happened to..." She was interrupted by Lora's father. "How'd you even convince the police to look into this with us? You been spinning tall tales together?" He took a lollipop Lora gave him earlier that morning, unwrapped it, and popped it in his mouth. "Or did you forge that signature and approval, in which case that's illegal." Ashley began looking at the ground.

Lora's Father crunched "We aren't taking this case." Ashley began yelling with fury only seconds after he finished. "Well one of those bodies is..." Lora's father stomped his foot, interrupting her again. Ashley was silent, but looked ready to scream.

"Lora, let's go! You, you need to leave, and don't bother coming back." He said pointing towards Ashley. Lora ran to his side, and was silent as they walked out. When they reached the car, she remembering Bonnie's idea. "Hey dad." She began. "Can we stop by Saturn's today? I'm really hungry." Her father nodded, and they got in the car. The car ride was quite silent, and whenever the car stopped, her dad would eye the papers Mr. Relly gave him. It was one of the few times her dad had a deafening stare. It chilled her, and it wasn't even directed at her.

They arrived at Saturn's and Lora ordered some "BBQ Way Wings" and a nice cherry soda. Some for her, some for Bonnie. When they got home, her dad said he had to head back to work, but Lora was used to being home alone. She went inside, turning on some cartoon shows and started eating. She ate nine wings and left nine wings for Bonnie and half the cup, despite him saying she could have more.

"Are you really sure you're done?" Bonnie asked, still urging Lora to eat more. She nodded and took her last sip of soda before setting it down before Bonnie. "Alright then, close your eyes." He said. This was normal. Lora did so almost instantly. She couldn't see anything. A few minutes passed before she heard Bonnie speak again. "OK, you can open your eyes now. I'm done." Lora opened her eyes to find a plate of wings lacking wings, and the soda cup being missing. Lora was still confused on why Bonnie always asked her to close her eyes when he ate, but she never asked. She didn't want to offend him. She put the plate in the sink and got in her pajamas, ready for bed.

"Ya know, those wings always hit the spot." Bonnie said as Lora carried him to bed. "Thanks for sharing again." Lora jumped in her bed and laid down, and once she set Bonnie down, she knew it was time for sleep.

But Lora didn't want to sleep. There was something gnawing at her eyelids every time they closed. "What's wrong?" Bonnie asked. He of all people could tell something was wrong, even though anyone else would probably look this over. He and Lora were really close, so much so that he even retracted his question. "No wait, I know, it's that girl isn't it? You bothered by what happened with Ashley?" Lora nodded.

"Figures." Both paused. Lora broke the silence. "Bonnie, do you have any idea what she could be talking about?" Bonnie looked at Lora with worried eyes.

"I, um, wouldn't be able to tell. I-I'd need to get more details from her and-" Lora interrupted the bunny's rambling.

"Oh, I have her phone number! I can call her!" The young girl jumped up and down with excitement that she could get rid of a bad feeling so quick. As she went into the other room to get the house phone, she could've sworn she saw Bonnie's ears droop.

Ashley arrived, and was immediately hyper. She hadn't taken long, and from what Lora pieced together, she ran the whole way, and still had energy to meet Bonnie. "You'd better not *huff* have been pulling my leg Lora, *puff* Is this for real? Do you have something *huff* from that old place? Whew!" She began to pick herself up. "Something that can help me?"

Lora nodded. "Now, no promises! I'm not sure if he knows what you want to know, ok..?" Ashley stopped pacing around the living room. "He?" She pondered aloud. Lora decided this was the perfect time to introduce an old friend to a new friend. Carefully, she went to grab Bonnie, but she was stopped by Ashley, grabbing her wrist. "What do you mean by 'he' Lora?" Lora smiled. Ashley let her go, and Lora continued to march upstairs, into her room, and took Bonnie from her dresser down the stairs she had just ascended. Ashley looked at Lora, presenting the plushie in her hands, and looked a bit disappointed. Bonnie was taking a while to introduce himself, and Ashley and Lora had begun an awkward staring contest. "Nice to meet you." Bonnie finally spoke up. Ashley quite literally jumped, nearly hitting her head on the slightly low ceiling. "I'm Bonnie." He moved his small little hand. Ashley adapted to the fact Bonnie could talk much faster and much differently than Lora did. She quickly accepted the handshake, her eyes starry and baffled at the same time. "Now, what do you want to ask me about?"

Lora awoke to pancakes and a note.

Bonnie was still asleep, his eyes still closed and his mind still dreaming. Typical, he slept in a lot. Still, maybe this time he needed it. Last night kept going on end, and the only reason Ashley left was because it was around the time her dad would come home. That was later then Lora was allowed to stay up, and later then she had ever stayed up. So for a lazy bones like Bonnie, it must have been torture. She would forgive his sleepiness this once.

Lora ate the pancakes and left one for Bonnie, not bothering to get syrup. (Monster…) Lora preferred Waffles over pancakes, but Bonnie loved any food, as long as it wasn't pizza. For some reason, he didn't usually eat pizza. She shook him and he did wake up, but for a second, she thought she saw his cute eyes have a bright red and a dark black. A second later he looked completely normal but, she felt off suddenly. "Bonnie, are you OK?" She asked, worried she'd hear something bad. Bonnie smiled. "Why of course. Just slept in that's all. So did you." Lora hasn't noticed, but she had slept for a whole two extra hours. She never slept in, even if school was delayed or cancelled. Even if it was summer break or Christmas. But her father always woke her up, so he wasn't here, or had a long day.

Lora crept outta bed and left for the front room doorway, down stairs, and to her father's bedroom. Lora's house was weird. There were two front rooms, one on the top and one on the Bottom. Her father's room and the kitchen were on the bottom, while her room and three guest rooms were on the top. That and the bathrooms on both floors.

Lora crept in to see her father, all dressed and ready to go, so she sprinted back upstairs without saying a word and got dressed. How odd was it for him to let her sleep in like this? By the time her father had noticed, she was ready. "Hey little Ms. Sunshine, you're up earlier than I thought." He knelt down, looked her over, and patted her on the head. "Good job, you look great. Just..." He looked over on Lora's table where Bonnie was, but Bonnie was gone. Lora was relieved, but was wondering where Bonnie had gone. "You ok dad?" She said with fake ignorance.

Her father laughed. "I must be going nuts Sunshine, I could've sworn I saw something." Lora smiled an innocent smile. Her father could easily tell what that look ment. "I got it, I get the message, 'Get outta her old man' right?" At this, Lora's smile grew wider and she nodded. Lora's father brought his hand to his chest. "Hey!" He fake yelled. "You're not supposed to agree with me, and who are you calling old???" They both burst out laughing. Lora's father then got up, and made his exit to the room, though he looked like he was missing something, but Lora couldn't place what it was. She was too busy now glancing around to try and find Bonnie, but decided to wait until her father went downstairs to really start looking. Sure enough, when she heard him creak the floor downstairs, Bonnie poked out of a previously closed drawer and waved to Lora. She quickly scooped him up and gave him a hug. "You're a smart bunny rabbit, aren't you?"

Bonnie smiled at the compliment and was set down right on top of the cabinet he hid in. Lora began straightening herself out, as even still she personally felt she was lacking, when her father, with no warning, came into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt little lady, but my jackets become a prisoner of this here room." Lora smiled. He dad had the best impressions, but his cowboy one was her favorite. He began to do a bit of stereotypical cowboy walk…

When suddenly that all melted away.

Lora had never been pulled away so fast. Her father grabbed Bonnie by the ears, which he hated, and grabbed Lora in the other hand by her wrist. Before she knew it, they were in the car, rushing to somewhere. "Where did you get that thing?!? Why do you have that?!? I told you not to take anything to do with that place!" Her father gave her no room to speak. He yelled and yelled at her. "This thing could be dangerous! Who knows what was safe in that place! It's going right where it should go!" The car pulled into a parking lot. It was a broken down restaurant that Lora knew all too well. Freddy Fazbear's Pizza loomed over her in her father's car. It was empty, it's doors wide open. Her father fumed with rage, and before Lora could even get out of the car, he threw Bonnie through one of the broken windows.

Lora was speechless. Her friend had just been taken faster than she could understand it. He was just gone when seemingly seconds before, he was with her. So much emotion rushed through her mind. With it, Lora did something she didn't fight. She pushed her father out of the way when he didn't expect her and ran inside. "LORA!!!" She had never heard her father yell so loud and realized she shouldn't have ran in, but was met with a heart jabbing slam of the doors behind her. The doors had seemingly closed on their own. BOOM! Lora looked to her left to watch all of the windows be sealed off by metal. Lora began furiously pushing the doors as the sealing windows continued to create a loud echo, with doors no longer being able to be opened. As Lora realized they were locked, a light began flashing above. A picture of Freddy Fazbear was made in lights. Along with it were illuminated words.

"Ready for Freddy?"

Then, everything went fast. She was pulled away, and thrown. Where was she? Was she safe? She had to be! She was safe! She was free! All these delusions covered the truth from her eyes, but only briefly. "Why is it so dark?" She wondered. "Why is it so cold." She pondered. "Why is the ground hard and cool?" Lora looked around to find coats and hangers, and something else that was too huge for her to move. She was in a closet, but that didn't matter. What mattered was she was still here, and something is inside here with her.