It was very different for Ashley, simply hearing about the absurdity of all that was in this place was one thing, but seeing it was another. It was clear to her now that this place was truly built like its own separate little world. There were at least a hundred of huge apartment rooms that could house entire families, shops that could be rented out, food courts, and this was all on one floor. There was even a zoo supposedly, one only people who were renting apartments would be allowed to see. All of this was laid out in front of Ashley now, not as simple words and speculation, but as hard solid facts before her very eyes.
Even still, she couldn't be lost in this, Ashley had to keep up. Constantly being berated by Balloon Boy for what felt like hours was incentive, but it was really starting to get on her nerves now. Maybe she should've run as soon as she was untied. After all, Ashley had no reason to stay with these two. But Ashley had decided against that. Something about JJs and her new 'situation' touched her. She couldn't leave her alone like this. And maybe, just maybe, this little search would lead her to who she was looking for.
"So, have you ever seen other kids come through here?" Ashley asked JJ, still surveying as she did so. At first, JJ was silent, making Ashley feel self conscious about the question she asked, and how she did so. But in the end, JJ did indeed speak up.
"No actually. Not ones who haven't been pulled into this place." JJ sighed. "And even then, we weren't able to see much. We were separated, kept in cages and other things, unlike the main four." She turned around to face Ashley, and motioned for her to sit down on a bench for a bit. Ashley did so gladly, accepting the break quickly, and helping JJ sit down with her. She promised to help JJ up afterwards, and thanked her for all she had decided to tell Ashley.
"Freddy. Bonnie. Chica. Foxy." JJ went on. "Each of them have their own areas in this place."
She began pointing her foot for Ashley. "Bonnie's area is on the first floor. It's mostly grass and easter related stuff, but there used to be a concert stage there too." JJ fixed her gaze towards Ashley, making sure she was actually paying attention.
That was no issue however, Ashley was taking everything JJ was saying to heart. It seemed that made JJ keep going, and Ashley actually thought she saw her smile for the first time since they had met. "It's actually on the opposite side of the building from where we had tied you up." She paused. "Oh yeah, sorry for basically kidnapping you. But if you come to this place, kidnapping is more constant than the smell." Ashey laughed a bit, making JJ seem happier. Ashley didn't know how she could read JJ's emotions so well, there was just something about her. JJ continued, so nonchalant. "There are actually a couple of stores and stuff near there, but there's these huge craters you have to be careful for." She began to relax back on the bench. "If you fall in one and don't climb back up, you could be stuck down there for days. There are all these tunnels an-"
"HEY! WHAT'RE YOU DOING?!?" Balloon Boy interrupted. He angrily ran towards the two of them, Ashley ready to beat him up at this point. "Get a move on, you promised to help me, and I'm holding you to it!" He then pointed towards Ashley. "You can go if you're gonna be nothing but deadweight." He then chuckled with a mocking sneer. "Who am I kidding? You're dead alright. It's only a matter of when."
Ashley grit her teeth. She was ready to have at it with this twerp. But JJ didn't protest. Hoping back up off of the ground without help, Ashley once again felt something. That happiness had drained away into something else. Not anger. Not hate. Not annoyance. Just a deep feeling that had no intention of dwindling as JJ walked away with Balloon Boy. Acceptance.
Ashley knew this feeling all too well, she had felt it every now and then whenever others taunted her, told her she was wasting her time looking for her brother. It was always so hard to fight.
But deep down, Ashley could feel it. Her little brother calling out to her somewhere in this strange place, which was like a foreign world. After all, she had just been tied up in what seemed to be a FOREST inside of this crazy place. Crazier things were happening here, even if that forest was just a park grown way out of control, which it easily could've been.
But there was something gnawing at Ashley.
There was something… else… There was this smell in the air coming from all directions. Seemingly from every wall, the floor, the ceiling, as if a part of the building itself, came this unnatural smell. It was what JJ was talking about, joking about. And it was everywhere. This smell of something else. Something bad.
Ashley snapped herself out of her trance. She was about to be left behind, neither of her "companions" were waiting up for her as she had her inner dialogue. After catching up, she continued to look around. She searched around with this feeling of being hunted.
Lora searched around with this feeling of being hunted. Bonnie had not returned for some time, hours on end, after bringing Lora some food. Neither had Freddy. Still, she couldn't leave this brown cabin like room, the door had been locked on the outside. All she could do was keep searching for a key of some sort. Or a vent. A way out. But she couldn't find anything. It looked like she would simply have to wait for one of the two to return. Sitting herself down on her bed, Lora felt her legs. Unlike before, they felt good as new. There were still some scars, but she wasn't in that much pain. Like everything else in this place, even she seemed unfamiliar to herself. Playing memories over and over in her head, waiting for something to open the door as she did so. Zoned out, connected dots while staying alert in her surroundings.
Lora had no idea where she was honestly. First floor? Second floor? Other floors? She had no idea for sure, she didn't recognize any landmarks.
'How long has this been going on with him?'
'Did the floor just creak?'
'Has he always been here?'
'I swear I see something by the door.'
'Has he always been lying to me?'
'The door is opening.'
'Was he using me???'
'The door is open.'
'Are we not-The door is open.'
Lora jumped back. She wasn't seeing things, the door was just open. She was so lost in thought she hadn't even noticed her way out surrendering to her. She then retracted that thought. She stared at the open doorway, not moving, but soon relaxing a bit. Slowly, Lora made her way to the door, mustering confidence, and held out her hand to the large plastic looking bear.
It took her hand, and gently shook it. Both of them were relieved, but it seemed her new friend was more than Lora.
Both of them were relieved, but it seemed her new friend was more than Ashley. "Don't just stand there, come on!" Balloon Boy yelled, running off without them. "We can't lose him right after finding him, get in gear already!" Ashley had gotten sick of the wooden gremlin's orders, so she was happy to get this over with as soon as possible. Pushing herself forward, her and JJ had actually begun to catch up. Well, mostly JJ. Ashley was still slower than the two.
"Ashley, keep up!" JJ called out.
"Leave her, she's deadweight." BB interrupted.
"Oh you…" Ashley pushed herself to the max, making her legs ache almost immediately, but she kept going, getting closer to the other two. She could now see what they were chasing.
Look, it was definitely orange… and had stripes… Though to be honest, they were going so fast, she could only tell because she was told a description while they were looking for this creature. Monster? Character? Person? Honestly Ashley wasn't sure what to call anyone here without a name. But she couldn't think about that now. She was slowly but surely losing speed, and her body was crying out beforehand.
While Ashley was athletic, she had never run this fast before. But she couldn't stop now. What if this tiger… whatever knew where her brother was? Plus, she had gotten attached to JJ. She was Ashley's friend in her eyes, even though they barely knew each other. There was just this warm feeling… That and she wasn't exactly as rude or as set on killing Ashley as everything else she had nearly encountered.
Ashley watched in horror as the monster went even faster, their surroundings now grassy and open. That was it, she was at her limit. Stumbling and tripping over herself, the others kept going… Balloon Boy kept going. JJ stopped, helped her up, and then ran off after her 'friend.' After gaining composure, Ashley looked around the grassy area. Remembering something in the back of her mind, she suddenly realized she knew where she was. Looking over one of the holes, she knew it could be a potential shortcut, possibly cutting their tiger off. I mean, if JJ and that little gremlin were chasing after it, it couldn't be that tough. The problem was the… She could do this. One jump to nabbing this pussycat… thing. "I got this…" She told herself. "I got this…"
Bracing herself, Ashley took the chance and leapt.