Chapter 13

The phones were delivered to Hiroyuki by lunch time the next day. Hiroyuki couldn't help but sing his mother's praises. She was extremely efficient. As he examined the matching phones, Hiroyuki felt extremely pleased. With these phones, he and Jiro would always be able to connect with each other.

But he didn't want to just give the phone to Jiro without a plausible reason. He didn't want to start a bad habit with Jiro. He didn't want Jiro to get used to receiving presents for no justifiable cause. Someone who frequently received presents would build up an expectation of receiving handouts. And when he met Jiro for the first time, the young man had begged him for a handout.

Hiroyuki didn't want that type of habit to form in Jiro's mind. Jiro needed to understand that in life, one had to work hard for one's achievements and success.

Although he thought this, but deep within him, he also knew he didn't want Jiro to take a job. It was fine for the young boy to work inside the home, cleaning up. But if the boy were to go outside the home for work, he couldn't bear that thought. The world was a dangerous place. There were many pitfalls waiting to entrap the naïve.

What Hiroyuki had yet to realize was that his thought process on how he wanted to protect Jiro was the same as how Hiroyuki's father thought about protecting Hiroyuki. Perhaps, someday he would figure it out.

Hiroyuki meticulously went through several excuses he could use as to why Jiro was receiving the phone. After thinking things over, he thought the most reasonable one was communication. He would let Jiro know that the phone would be used for emergencies. And if something came up at work, Hiroyuki would use it to let Jiro know he wouldn't be home for dinner, so the latter could order take out or go buy something at the nearest convenience store.

Satisfied with his excuse, Hiroyuki stored the phones in his bag.

At last work ended for the day.

Hiroyuki moved quickly to leave for home. Inside the apartment, he saw Jiro folding the laundry.

"Welcome home," the younger man said with cheer.

Hiroyuki replied, "Glad to be home." Then he headed towards Jiro and handed him the phone.

"For me?" Jiro asked in pleased surprise.