[Chapter 6] The Room

She worked up all her strength and courage just the turn the nob. As she did so, she caught a strong wif of the smell of dust and rotting wood. It was so strong she ended up having to plug her nose while she walked in.

To her surprise, the room was a big room, maybe twice the size of her last room. The room had one window stretched out on the wall across from her. It was covered in a greyish blue cloth like, that she guess was supposed to be a curtain. Directly underneath the window was a queen size bed that had, again, greyish blue cloth as the covers. She swallowed in disgust as she thought about who or what else slept in this bed.

To Anna's left was a closet door that, to no surprise, was painted freshly with a coat of white paint. She didn't think too much about it and walked over to the closest door. Opening it up, she was met with an abnormally large closet, like three times the size of a normal closet. She caughtiously pet the wall and found the light switch the the closet. As she switched the switch, three lights turned on. She noticed that the floor was wood planks and was really rotted over, to the point, that she made note of, that some of the planks were sticking out of the floor. She didn't think too much about it except, 'I need to remember to wear shoes when I walk in here, or I'll have splinters that will last me for years.'

She set some of her bags of clothes on a old night stand that would be able to hold all clothes, considering she didn't have many. Anna checked bed and the covers to make sure there were no bugs just waiting to eat her while she slept and tucked her self in.