New Body

Chapter 419


Inside a large state, they lay a huge mansion. The mansion is surrounded by many guards patrolling in its premise. But what makes the place unique is the fluctuation of Qi in its surroundings. If Shin Jiao can see the place, he would be amazed at the formation surrounding it.

However, the people inside are not using runes as formation, but symbols and glyphs from the ancient times. Those symbols and glyphs are commonly used in talismans by the shaman of old.

Inside the huge mansion is a room where several people are sitting in a circle.

Suddenly, they all shuddered and threw mouthfuls of blood.

They all staggered as they fell to the ground helplessly.

"How could… how could that happen?" an old woman said in a weak tone.

"Someone was able to destroy our connection…" an old man said with a worried tone.