The city in turmoil

Chapter 461


In a long ravine with a deep cliff, a group of students and some teachers who are wounded are backed into a corner. On the other side surrounding them are those traitorous teachers who look like they wanted to devour their prey in front of their eyes. Some of the students who could not hold on anymore tried to fly and cross the long ravine to reach the other side. However, they just face death upon doing so.

Being devoured by flying snakes that are waiting as the side of the cliffs is something they did not expect.

However, in this situation what they didn't expect is the teachers which they trusted their lives with are going to kill them. Some teachers who went against the traitors are already dead or wounded, and the situation is making everyone feel hopeless.

"Teacher Lu, Teacher Huang, why are you doing this to us? We were your favorite students, right?"