Out of the frying pan and into the fire (3)

Chapter 468


Outskirts of the Dongxi city, the main camp of the Lao mercenary clan

In a brown tent surrounded by many guards, a middle-aged man is currently behind a woman who is moaning in both pain and pleasure. The woman has a haggard appearance and her clothes are disheveled.

Her hair are grabbed from behind the man continuously and mercilessly trusted his member inside her.

At the side of the bed, there are already four women with an exhausted look on their faces as they are already sleeping or unconscious from the merciless man.

Ming Lao is really angry right now and is currently bending his frustration on his wives. Because of the huge loss, they have incurred in this siege he is unsatisfied and wanted to kill someone. But he knew that he could not take it out to his soldiers. So instead he diverted his frustration into his libido and so his wives were the ones to receive the brunt.