Embryonic stage

Chapter 663


To enable one to enter the immortal world and to be immortal, a person should have a transfigured body. The mortal flesh should be torn down and the flesh and bones renewed. This is the true process of immortality. Plus, one's blood would be purge and be cleansed and be exchanged with the life force of the universe.

This way, the whole body would become supreme and the soul and body would slowly merge into one. However, this process although very powerful and could turn one into an immortal, their soul would not. Once the body is destroyed, there is a chance that the soul would also be destroyed.

Shin Jiao knew this and thus right now he is being given a choice.

To either transfigure his body and become an embryonic stage immortal or still bear the mortal blood and become half immortal, or a demi-god.