A tricky battle

Chapter 671


Four versus one and the person they are fighting against is a powerless peasant immortal. However, the four knew not to underestimate their opponent. They have seen him fight while watching from far away and the way he fought against those shadow beasts is something that rivals their strength.

Shin Jiao did not relax as he already knew the danger he is in right now. Without hesitation, he suddenly threw the bag he is carrying to the side. Those are his food for a week. He dare not let it be destroyed in this fight.

After removing the backpack the four people noticed a strange black armor on his body under his peasant robe. They all stare at Shin Jiao in confusion. They didn't know what that black thing is, but were immediately on guard.

Taking out their own weapons, three of the people surrounding Shin Jiao prepares to battle. Meanwhile, the only female of the group did not join in.