The siege on the Town of Gipard

Chapter 704


The young woman looks at Shin Jiao with a blush on her pretty face while trying to clutch her tattered clothes. She still could not move her body, but she is still able to barely cover herself up. Though she still has clothes on her, yet from the way the young man, while wearing a strange contraption in his eyes, looks at her, she feels like she is naked in front of him. And this made her feel a little flustered.

Shin Jiao on the other hand also feels a bit nervous and embarrassed. He knew that he should not have done that. He was not that dense to not sense the woman's feelings.

"Ahem… I'm Si Ji… I was just passing by and saw that you are being attacked… And… and… I'm… I'm sorry for what just happened…" Shin Jiao said straightforwardly while shifting his gaze in another direction.

The young woman bit her lips but says nothing.