Arjing Village

Chapter 823


It did not take long for Shin Jiao to figure out a way to increase the height of the ship up to 200 meters. But he was a bit dejected as he needed to use some of the few materials he is keeping inside his dimension.

Since using magic for flight is a bit energy-consuming and impractical for now. Shin Jiao began thinking of an alternative. If he uses a turbine engine it would be too loud and would attract too much attention. So for a more stealthy approach, he thought of air balloons or blimps principle and combines them with arrays. This way he could make the flying ship hover stably without consuming too much mana energy.

As he thinks to this point, he began crafting and installing large sphere objects around the ship. It took him another day to complete his work and showed a satisfied smile.

"I hope this works this time," he muttered as he activated the ship's power once again.