The entertainment industry (2)

Chapter 884


Hua Xiao and her group have finished checking the four-story building that they have constructed. A tall antenna could be seen atop the building which almost towers above the town. The building along with its antenna is almost the height of the tallest tower in town, the Great White tower of Dugal.

"Miss Xiao, we will be able to operate as soon as three days from now." the man walking behind her reported.

"Good, that is good. But we will not be broadcasting at that time. We still need to wait for Sister Han to finish what we set her to do. After that, we could start the broadcasting… is the recording of the possible broadcast segment already done?" Hua Xiao asked as she began reading the documents given to her by a female employee.

"Not yet, we have yet to complete a couple of scenes before everything would be done. But the rest are already set in stone..."