Hidden Forces moving about

Chapter 894


Because of his hidden obsession, he was used by those in power to see this new rising power within the kingdom. Xentong Han was taken by some people from Arjing Village and was sent to see the 3rd price who is vying for the crown prince position.

The 3rd prince has an uncle and his name is Prince Lamier Grav. He is one of the cousins of the current king, which has also been given the title of a prince of the kingdom.

Lamier Grav supports the 3rd prince and is one of the leaders of his faction. Lamier Grav has a great influence within the outer world as in this place the kingdom could get its power established and defend against the possible future threat from the defeated worshiper of the dark lord Ruel.

So whatever power is growing within the outer world he would immediately know about them.